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The Supernatural Ways Of Royalty

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HROUGHOUT history great moves of God have rocked entire nations of the world. Each outpouring of the Spirit added necessary insights and experiences that have helped in restoring the Church to her eternal purpose. But coinciding with the new passion and mass conversions God always added another factor: another element of offense. It seems to be God's way. It is His way of separating the casual from the passionate, the hungry from the satisfied. For the desperate, "every bitter thing is sweet." God is building His people into His likeness through the fires of revival. T The outpouring of the Spirit always brings an increased awareness of our sinfulness. Some of the greatest hymns of confession and contrition have been written during such seasons. But the revelation of our sin and unworthiness is only half of the needed equation. Most revivals don't get past this one point, and therefore cannot sustain a move of God until it becomes a lifestyle. It's difficult to build something substantial on a negative. The other half of the equation is how holy He is on our behalf. When this is realized, our identity changes and our faith embraces the purpose of our salvation. At some point we must go beyond being simply "sinners saved by grace." As we learn to live out of our position in Christ we will bring forth the greatest exploits of all time. What one generation could accomplish from this one revelation is far beyond comprehension.

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