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Digital Detox & Wireless Hygiene Workshop

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Digital Detox & Wireless Hygiene Workshop

Join Glynn and Lisa for an Empowering Session of FACT, not FICTION!

Are you concerned about the impact of EMFs on your health? Do you want to learn how to protect yourself in our increasingly digital world? This workshop is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to safeguard your health.

  • EMFs and Detox Potential: Understand how electromagnetic fields can shut off your body's natural detox processes.
  • Digital Detox Strategies: Practical steps to reduce your exposure to harmful EMFs.
  • Wireless Hygiene: Learn effective techniques to shield yourself and practice better wireless habits.
  • Importance of Shielding: Discover why using a canopy at night can protect your brain and body during their most critical detox periods.
  • Evidence-Based Information: Gain insights from Glynn and Lisa, who are dedicated to empowering you with scientifically-backed knowledge.
  • Practical Advice: Walk away with actionable steps to improve your digital hygiene and overall health.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage with experts and like-minded individuals in an informative and supportive environment.

Discover why shielding with a canopy at night is so important (your brain and body detox at night and in a high EMF environment it becomes impaired). Hence chronic infections, mould, Lyme disease, autoimmune illness where the lost detox potential allows toxic buildup.

EMFs are ElectroMagnetic Fields. This is an ElectroSmog from cell towers, cell phones, WiFi routers, wearable tech like Apples watches and AirPods, Smart Utility Meters, tablets, Smart Assistants, Smart Appliances, any Smart tech, Bluetooth etc… It has created an ElectroPollution in our environment that nature did not intend for us to evolve in. This Wireless tech radiation goes through walls and through our bodies, what could go wrong?! Well, what we are discovering is a vast evidence base and that- “EMFs are the health crisis of our time.” -Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

EMF Protection pioneer Glynn Hughes teams with Wellness Consultant and Environmental Health Advocate Lisa Swarbrick to help families & health practitioners GET IN THE KNOW about this invisible stressor undermining our health. Let us show you how to build a bridge to better health as you, your family and patients bloom in a healthier environment.

Due to the content and work that has gone into producing this recording, we are suggesting a donation of £5.00 for access to the workshop recording, pdf and links. However, as both PHA, Glynn and Lisa believe in access for all, we encourage people to pay what they can afford if unable to pay the full suggested donation amount of £5.00.

Glynn, Lisa and the PHA Education team would love to hear your thoughts about this workshop. If you would like to share your feedback please email

If you know anyone that might benefit from the information shared in this workshop, please do share this link and they will be able to access the recording: 

Please contact Glynn and Lisa directly here: 



COMING SOON: Safe Tech Family Boot Camp course, and the Wireless Hygiene Remedy Course for Health Practitioners! To register your interest please email

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