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Queen Elisabeth I of England voice English

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The history of a woman who rose above and beyond tragedy, grief and personal loss to become one of the most powerful figures in sixteenth century Europe is wonderfully told in this biography 
Queen Elizabeth, by Jacob Abbott.
Beginning with the tragic circumstances of Elizabeth's mother, the lovely and doomed Anne Boleyn's execution and Henry VIII's dissolution of the English Catholic Church, the story of Elizabeth's rise to power is reflective of the England's domination of world politics as well. As a three year old, the young Elizabeth was destined to be raised as an orphan while her authoritarian, lustful and forceful father took on several more wives and created a new Church in England. He was survived by three children, Mary, Elizabeth and Edward, all by different wives and greatly separated from each other in age, upbringing, politics and faith.
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Her parents Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

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