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Sweet Home Highland Christmas - Ebook

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Sweet Home Highland Christmas

Pennington Family Series Novella


’Tis the season to fall in love!

Freya Sutherland is a desperate aunt trying to keep custody of her precocious young niece, Ella, even if it means marrying for security instead of love.

Recently retired from the military, Captain Gregory Pennington wants nothing more than to make it home in time for Christmas, but he's asked to escort some travelers from the Highlands to the Borders.

When Freya and Penn meet, their chemistry is instant. Once they realize he's their escort for the journey, there's no escaping their attraction. But Penn has plans that do not include a wife and child. And Freya has responsibilities as Ella's guardian, despite her growing discontent with her upcoming marriage.

With Ella conspiring to get them together, Penn and Freya might just experience a little magic during this SWEET HOME HIGHLAND CHRISTMAS!

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