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Yung (PC + Android & FT)

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by purchasing this product you agree to following my tos, chargebacks or going against tos may lead to store ban, sever ban, and blacklist. I DO NOT DO REFUNDS, ALL PURCHASES ARE FINAL DUE TO IT BEING A DIGITAL PRODUCT.

big thank you to @twistedraven for the pictures!!


  • quest does not have the belly ring, chest belt, necklace or the hat.

  • please make sure you read the instructions clearly!, if you need help please contact me on discord @aestrenz or through the server!



  • tops :
  • sweater -> hoodie -> bra

  • bottoms :
  • pyjama pants -> jeans -> shorts -> panties

  • accs :
  • belly ring, headphones, rings, shoes, necklace, glasses
  • appearance :

  • hairstyles: curly -> long -> short (slider)
  • skintones (slider)

  • goloco menu

  • VRCFT menu

how to upload :

  • import the .unitypackage

  • upload

  • import the .unitypackage

  • upload with same build id as pc

PS: you must use the vcc version of all imports. if not it may not work!

credits :

zinpia | body 

sivka | head + eye texture

luvd | amelia head normal map

ying | head textures + body textures

seo | blunt

honeylab | nails

kri | headphones

d3fault | belly piercing

suki | hoodie

saikura | short hair + long hair + curly hair

nessy | shorts + jeans + bra

mirruh | headphones (nitro)

shizuki | top

sleepysdiary | babyhairs

daddyissuez | rings

minichibi | hoodie

luni | tattoos

dumpling | pj pants

adjerry91 | vrcft template


threevee | face trackinghader

ravio [ booth ] | smoke

please do not reuse any of my edits ! !

if you would like to purchase them please dm me.

tos :

  • do not redistribute, trade, price split, make public any of my avatars,

if you do so and i find it, you'll be banned from my shop/server

  • you may edit it, but do not claim ownership ! ! ( headswaps, clothes swaps are allowed but do not make a SFW avatar NSFW, since they are made to be SFW only and they have mesh-cut ! ! )

  • do not rip assets off of my avatars, if you would like the assets which i used,

check the credits; i mainly use free stuff ! !

  • i do not provide refunds on any of my products; this is because they are digital products ! !

  • you may get someone to upload this avatar for you if you are incapable to do so yourself, but you and the uploader must own this avatar!!

You will get the following files:

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