Hallelujah (working out songs by ear) - with tip - for live lesson 3rd April '24
Working out songs by ear - Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen
As everyone was buzzing after the last ‘working songs out by ear’ workshop I thought it would be great to do some more. This time we’ll work out the classic Leonard Cohen song Hallelujah live together. We’ll take a deeper look into chord personalities and how certain chords lead naturally to others. We’ll also have a look at options for soloing. The worksheets this time contain a really cool blank ‘working out songs by ear’ worksheet that you can use for other songs to work out chords, try picking patterns and add relevant scales too. You can use it time and time again to experiment yourself with any song.
LIVE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oPhMnXkkb8
Wednesday 3rd April 2024
15:30 Welcome, comments and sound
15:45 Workshop
16:45 Q&A
All times GMT
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