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Bespoke Self-Care Plan for Mums

Swap overwhelm, mum-guilt and anger for calm and compassion by building up tiny moments of daily self-care over 12 weeks.

What's the Bespoke Self-Care Plan all about?

The Bespoke Self-Care Plan for Mums is designed especially for mums who struggle to find time for themselves. It's my tried and tested method (used on myself and my 1 to 1 clients for years) for building up a daily self-care habit for busy mums.

The Bespoke Self-Care Plan is based on the idea that tiny moments of self-care peppered throughout your day is what will help you deal with the multiple stresses of motherhood. This plan will help you to coming back to your own wants and needs, again and again.

Over 12 weeks, this plan will support you to take small, intentional steps to increase your self-care from literally nothing in week 1, to 1 hour a day by week 12.

The Bespoke Self-Care Plan will change the way that you see and practice self-care forever by using a combination of:

  • a comprehensive bespoke self-care plan designed especially for you to follow over 12 weeks, jam packed with over 75 self-care ideas
  • twice weekly Whatsapp accountability from me as a Coach for Mums, for extra motivation and encouragement
  • a weekly celebration of all of your hard work in completing your weekly self-care plan goal, throughout the 12 weeks
  • Plus this bonus just for you - 14 Days of Journalling Prompts for Mums E-Book - it'll give you the inspiration you need to kickstart your journalling practice.

How the Bespoke Self-Care Plan will help you

The Bespoke Self-Care Plan is going to reduce your overwhelm, anger and mum guilt and instead make you feel:

  • calmer - because you're taking small moments of time for you throughout the day and all of those moments build a buffer against stress
  • happier - you are taking time for you and feel like your wants and needs are just as important as everyone else's
  • more compassionate towards yourself - every time you choose to do an act of self-care, it reinforces the message that you matter too
  • more positive mentally and physically - taking time out for you feels good! 

How does the Bespoke Self-Care Plan work?

  • Once you sign up for the Bespoke Self-Care Plan, I send you a self-care questionnaire to complete. You send me the completed form to me within 1 week of receiving it.
  • Within 2 weeks of you sending me the completed questionnaire, I create a comprehensive Bespoke Self-Care Plan for you to follow for 12 weeks, based on your answers in the self-care questionnaire.
  • The idea is you start small with 2 minutes a day and then you build it up slowly over the 12 weeks, so by the end of the 12 weeks you are taking 1 hour for you everyday (don't worry, this doesn't have to be all in one chunk!).
  • The Bespoke Self-Care Plan does all the hard work for you, with over 75 different self-care ideas that you can do when you have the kids and when you are by yourself as well as specific self-care ideas that you can do to cope with moments that you find stressful as a mum (solo bedtimes and toddler tantrums anyone?!).
  • Twice weekly Whatsapp accountability check-ins with me, a Coach for Mums - every Wednesday and Sunday for 12 weeks, I check in with you to keep you on track, to motivate you and to help you reflect on what's worked and what hasn't that week.
  • A reminder every Sunday to reward yourself with a treat for completing your self-care for that week - celebrating your hard work and progress means you'll feel more motivated to keep going
  • BONUS - you'll also receive the 14 Days of Journalling Prompts for Mums E-Book - (this will be available to download)

Meet Jenna, your Coach

Jenna Folarin is a Coach for Mums. She supports exhausted mums with young kids to turn their overwhelm and anger into calm and compassion. 

Jenna also hosts ‘The Inspiring Mums Podcast’ and writes about motherhood on Substack.

As well as coaching, Jenna runs retreats for mums, has created and delivered wellbeing workshops for Cardiff University, and also set up a monthly self-care group for mums in her local community.

Jenna lives in South Wales with her husband and 3 children. Once her kids are finally asleep, she loves reading romance books or crocheting a huge colourful blanket.

How much is the Bespoke Self-Care Plan for Mums?

You can either pay the full amount of £100, pay two monthly payments of £50 or pay 4 monthly payments of £25.

Pay in full


2 x monthly payments

per month for 2 months

4 x monthly payments

per month for 4 months