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Carom Billiards: Zig-Zag Patterns (PDF)

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During competitions, you will sometimes see a pro player will use the zig-zag pattern to score. The concept is simple - the first and second rail or the second & third rail occur up/down or back & forth.

This collection of zig-zag shots provides you with quite a few different scoring solutions. For each shot, there are two table layouts. The first is the ball positions on the table. The second is how the pro player made the point.

There are two ways you can use these zig-zag examples.

First - as a mental exercise. You can study the ball layout and the ball paths to determine how the shot was played.

Second - as a table exercise. Set the balls up in the position and play the shot. Try to duplicate the shot. Experiment with different speeds and spins.

The result will be a better understanding on how to play similar shots during your competitions.

Enjoy the learning process and good luck!!

Also available in Print (Amazon).

FYI - PDF can be viewed on all your smart devices (phone, tablet, computer).

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