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Leading A New Scrum Team

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It's exciting to use your knowledge and sphere of influence when you first join an
organization and are assigned to a new team. This experience, though, can be both
rewarding and frightening. As a result, I've put together this step-by-step guide to
help you through the transition. Building authentic relationships is the most
fundamental method of incorporating oneself into any team or company. Individual
relationships with current or potential team members will be important in assisting
team leaders and achieving remarkable results. Strong relationships are essential
because merely putting people together does not always result in the development of
a team. Rather, spending additional time developing meaningful connections with
people produces the synergy that allows a team to feel like and function as a unit.
Laying the groundwork, planning ahead of time, and putting the plan into action are
crucial steps. Before beginning Sprint Zero, make sure your organization has the
following basic requirements in order to commerce the process:
● The product owner and product manager have been identified
● At least 80 percent of the individual distributors have been identified and can
attend Sprint Zero
● There is a defined team charter with an established goal
● High-level initiatives with potential epic-level backlog have been created
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