Time to Find a Job (eBook): A Practical Guide to Stop Wasting Time and Start Making Money
Are you a fresh graduate and planning to look for a job? Where you fired or furloughed? Did you just recently quit your job and are looking for greener pastures? Are you unemployed and have little experience regarding ways to secure a job? Are you uncertain about your job and feel insecure about your industry?
Regardless of these circumstances you need to be better prepared for the search. Time to Find a Job is a Practical Guide to Stop Wasting Time and Start Making Money. We have compiled these tips, tricks and ideas to help make you "job-hunt" easier. This 50-page guide will surely help.
“Time to Find a Job” will show you:
- How to identify your skill set
- How to hunt for a job
- Define your objective
- Prepare a professional resume
- 7 Steps to improve interviewing skills
- How to use networking to accomplish your task
- Job seeker FAQs
- Thinking outside of the box
Finding a job should not create a stressful environment. “Time to Find a Job” will be there to help you if you do lose your job, but better yet, use it to keep yourself in a “pro-active” mode so you can immediately put the principles to work when the axe falls.
The peace of mind is well worth the few bucks to be prepared!
We hope this can truly help you in your journey and appreciate your purchase which helping us with our mission to support others in their quest towards success. With funds collected we provide scholarships and advanced educational opportunities for next-gen leaders.