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Research A to Z of Space! Editable and PDF files

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Introducing yet another in our research Alphabet series! This is Research A to Z Space Alphabet Edition (2024)!

Letter A sheet is FREE and included in this post.

Hot on the success of our 2022 and 2023 editions of the Research A to Z sheets, the Animals A to Z, and the latest A to Z of Kids Culture edition, comes yet another A to Z - this time it's all about SPACE! Suitable for students from Year 4 (independent Year 3 readers would be okay too) to Year 8. There are 7 different activities in each sheet and all the answers are included!

Each sheet has a handwriting copy passage, a sentence unscramble task, mathematics themed problems, true or false questions about the subject, spelling themed words, further questions for research and of course a Draw or Create Task!

Personally I believe there is a week of learning here for just one sheet! Spread across a year, that is 26 weeks of Space themed learning - hey thats nearly the whole year done!

Each sheet is presented like the free sample included in the preview.

Answers are included for every sheet. The file is fully editable so you can edit any aspect to suit varying needs of your class!

The Full List of Space topics, contained in this resource are:


Black Holes


Dwarf Planets



Gas Giants

Halley’s Comet

Interstellar Clouds


Kuiper Belt

Lenticular galaxies


Neutron Stars

Oort Cloud



Red Giants

Space Stations




White Dwarfs

X Ray Binary Stars

Yuri Gagarin


53+ pages!

Your purchase gets you both the PDF version and the editable PowerPoint/Slides version so you can change any part to suit varying needs!

We welcome your suggestions for future A to Z themes. Please email if you would like to share your ideas.

If you notice anything wrong with our product please get in touch.

You will get the following files:
  • PPTX (14MB)
  • PDF (1MB)

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