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Done-For-You Product Commercials/Video Ads/Promotional Videos

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Get Done-For-You stunning video ads or commercials for marketing your products/services and creating brand awareness for your business.

Check out the sample videos above ☝️☝️☝️

Videos grabs people attention faster than images or written content and this is a reason why it's important for you to employ it into your online business game.

The power of videos for product marketing cannot just be underestimated, according to reports - 86% of marketers say video has helped them generate leads. 81% of marketers say video has helped them directly increase sales. 49% of marketers say video has helped them reduced support calls.

This video ad/commercials creation service is specially tailored to help you as a product vendor or service provider reach and captivate more audience for your brand and make more product/service sales.

The gig is available in three pricing plans:

Basic (Up to 30 secs long video): $50 (3 days delivery)

Standard (31 - 60 secs (1 min) long video): $75 (5 days delivery)

Premium (1 - 2 mins long video): $100 (7 days delivery)

Prices for longer video duration can be discussed. 

You can contact me via email: or via WhatsApp:

Once you make an order that suits your needs, you will have to provide me these details about your products or service:

Product/Service Descriptions (As need might be).
A likely video idea/sample you want for your video.