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Corrugated Core

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Dear reader,

Would YOU want a rock solid core with chiseled abs that look like they've been carved out of mahogany?

Would YOU want abdominal and lower back muscles that look like they're made of CORRUGATED steel, EVERY HARD, rock solid RIDGE of muscle standing out in stark relief across the skin? Would you want a core that is not only rock solid in appearance but has strength to boot as well - - real strength - - in spades?

A midsection that can take - - and GIVE - - as good as, or better than it receives?

If the answer is yes - congratulations - you're on the right page. Look no further, and read on with great attention, as what I've got to say here and bring to you might change the entire way you think about "abs," "core" and abdominal training in general.

First off, what do I mean by "core" ? Why is this page titled "Corrugated CORE" instead of "Corrugated Abs"? Well, simple. The abs are but one part of the CORE, my friend. When most people think of training the abs (or the core, to most people), it's all about training the little bundle of muscles that is "most visible" to us i.e. the "six pack" - - and people these days go to ridiculous limits to get that coveted "six pack" look.

And those that get it (believe me, there are a LOT that don't despite following all the advice they've gotten - - does that sound familiar, by the way I bet it does!) seem to wear it as some sort of badge of honor, flaunting it everywhere they go, on social media, tight clothing, and what not.

All well and good, but I've got news for you, my friend. Not only does this "look" not necessarily impart any real strength - - it is NOT by any means "core" training.

The core doesn't just consist of the "six pack," although that's part of it.

The core consists of EVERYTHING beneath your pectorals until your knees, my friend.

And training the core needs to be done as an UNIT - -meaning, you train EVERYTHING. More on that later, but let me tell you right now that the modern day methods of training the "abs" (or "pseudo-core" training as I like to call it) is utter hogwash, and "Mama's boy" training).

Apparently this nonsense is supposed to give you the "X" taper you want.

BENEFITS YOU WILL get from following the exercises/routines in this course

An "X" taper - and I'm not just talking about a chiseled, strong and "whittled" down midsection. I'm talking a midsection where the muscles literally run down deep into your groin from your upper abs giving you a real "X" look - - and FEEL!

An abdomen that looks like it's made of CORRUGATED iron, with each RIDGE of muscle standing out in stark relief under the skin (and no, you don't need to "tighten" and "primp'n'pose" in front of the mirror to get that look - - you'll get it when relaxed as well).

Obliques that look like they're made of streaming steel, and FEEL every bit as strong. A strong, armor plated lower back that will never be susceptible to injury - - unlike the heavy weight pounders at the gym who quite literally sometimes end up grabbing their lower backs in agony after yet another unnatural pull (note - the deadlift is one of the worst things you can do for your lower back!).

Spinal erectors that look like boa constrictors running up and down your spine. Chiropractors and visits to "realign" your back will be a thing of the PAST.

You can wave goodbye to lower back pain forever.

No more "IBS," constipation or other frustrating/embarrassing digestive issues. No more "stomach burbles" after lunch or dinner, and certainly no "unplanned" visits to the toilet!

Your "vital" organs will be strong and healthy - and your entire body will function much better as a result.

And as if all this wasn't enough, you'll also gain strength, flexibility and endurance throughout the entire body - - since these exercises train the entire body as an unit, the way it was always supposed to be done.

Much more - grab this one of a kind manual NOW. 

Rahul Mookerjee
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