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Law of Attraction Essentials for the Real World

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Allow the Universe to support you in improving your life, reaching your goals and achieving your dreams!

Who doesn’t want to improve their lives, reach their goals, and achieve their dreams? 

Don’t you want to too?

It’s possible to get closer to realizing these desires.

You can use the Law of Attraction to manifest your biggest dreams and desires, with just a few simple methods and a positive mindset. 


What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction says that whatever you focus on the most, you bring into your life.

If your thoughts and feelings are mostly negative, you will attract more negative things into your life.

Conversely, if your thoughts and feelings are mostly positive, you will attract more positive things into your life.

You can use this to manifest what you want by knowing how to focus on the right things, increasing their vibrational energy, expressing gratitude, and taking action when necessary.

This doesn’t mean you don’t take action.

You won’t get very far just sitting and chanting mantras all day long.

Instead, you start taking deliberate action to achieve your goals and dreams, while the Law of Attraction tools support your manifestation mindset.

However, there is one part that often gets missed – alignment.

Alignment basically means you are an energetic match for whatever it is you want.

You let go of the neediness around what you want to manifest. Instead, you focus on what you want and open up to you desire manifesting in different ways. In other words, detach from the how part.

For example, you’re driving to the shopping mall and want a parking spot. Instead of worrying, imagine knowing that a spot will be available, and it happens!

You were an energetic match and manifested!

But for the big-ticket items in your life, you need to build more momentum.

While you don’t have to achieve some perfect state of being to manifest what you want, you do need to be feeling good more than feeling badly. That means being in alignment.

 To be honest, I didn't believe in the Law of Attraction until I started receiving from the Universe!


I was first introduced to the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws while studying to become a Master SPIRIT Life Coach more than a decade ago.

Practicing what I was being taught, I discovered this Law works!

It's not some woo-thing but a method of aligning our desires with focused attention and deliberate action to manifest what our heart truly desires.

I suggest you give it a shot too. That’s where these tools will support you. Use the ones that resonate most with you right now and start getting results.



What You're getting in Karmic Ally Coaching's Law of Attraction Toolkit


Law of Attraction Planner and Journal from Karmic Ally Coaching in a wooden case

Law of Attraction Planner

When it comes to manifesting and law of attraction, one size NEVER fits all! It’s an individual experience. The 23 templates in this planner give you the choice to select what resonates with you most. For example, creating and planning a vision board, using different manifestation methods, affirmations, and many more. 


Law of Attraction Journal

Remember I mentioned alignment and energetic matching to your wants? This journal complete with writing prompts will enable you to intensify your feelings and gain clarity on what you wish to manifest.

Guided Scripting Journal

Scripting is a powerful tool to shift your mindset and clear the path to manifest what you really want from your career, life and relationships.

The 20 journal prompts in used in the journal, offer simple writing prompts to use on your scripting journey.


But journaling isn’t enough. You need the right instructions to follow.

What Else You’re Getting in the Law of Attraction Toolkit

Law of Attraction application reports from Karmic Ally Coaching in a wooden case

How to Create a Manifesting Ritual' Report


This report covers the basics of manifesting, different methods, and how to create a ritual or routine to help them with the law of attraction.


Manifest in the Morning: Create a Law of Attraction Morning Routine Report


Just having tools isn’t enough; you need to use them too. The best time is in the morning to set the tone of the day and get into high vibe mode.


Use Scripting to Manifest Your Desires Report

There are many ways to shift your energy and vibrations, but one favorite is writing down what you want, in a method called scripting.

With scripting, you use your journal to write down what you want in present tense. This allows you to really tap into how you would feel with what you are trying to manifest into your life.


3 Bonus Worksheets

Bonus worksheets for Law of Attraction from Karmic Ally Coaching mockup

You're also getting 3 worksheets to support you in

  • Start using the law of attraction,
  • Figure out what you actually want to manifest, and
  • Decide what manifestation methods work best for you.


These worksheets are a great way to get more clarity, as we often think we know what we want, then discover what we manifest is completely different. 

Each of these worksheets is at least 3 pages long, with 10 questions.

The worksheets include:

1. What Do You Want to Manifest?

2. Your Limiting Beliefs

3. Choosing the Best Manifestation Methods


Start Tapping into your Manifesting Powers now!

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