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♡ Seraphina ♡

On Sale
Sale ends in 2 days
$30.00 (35% off)
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♡ First 5 buyers get a 15% discount code, join the discord to receive!


This is a collab avatar, she comes with a furry version which you have to purchase through our server.

ღ · ───── Features ───── · 

ღ · Curvy to petite body radial!!

ღ · Custom blink animation!

ღ · Custom assets! A lot of items on this model are not for sale.

✦ · 30+ Toggles.

ღ · Sexy succubus bunny

ღ · Extremely good tracking! Looks AMAZING when dancing! <3

· Selection of customization! Color swap, hair swap, skintone swap, etc!

ღ · 5+ SPS orifices + blendshapes/lewd noises!

ღ · Index fingers for quest.

· ───── Credits ───── ·

· Head { edit by diraccoonr with slight edits by me. NO REUSE }

· Body ( Heavy edit by me, NO REUSE. }

· Eye textures.

· Goddess dress.

· Face horns.

· Stiletto heels.

· Butterfly hair.

· Cuff collar on horns.

· Bow heels.

· Tongue.

· UwU juice.

· Toe rings.

· Big wings.

· Belly piercing.

· Rings.

· Body gems.

· Goth lace collar.

· Nose chain.

· Cat tail.

· Arrow in cat ear.

· Head wings.

· Veil.

· Wolfcut hair.

· Amiya hair.

· Heart curls.

· Amour hair.

· Shortie hair.

· Boa.

· Lip chain.

· Heart heels.

· Face harness.

· Lace wings.

· Harness.

· Sleeves.

· Earrings / Nipple piercings / Piercings.

· Cat ears.

· Face makeup text.

· Puppy set & candy hearts.

· Pearl necklace.

· Horns.

· Lashes.

· Tattoo texture, commissioned edit by me.

· Heart eyepatch.

· Bikini top & panties.

· Corset, stockings, condom garter, fluff bra and lingerie belt all commissioned by me from nguerra via discord. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO REUSE THEM!

{ If i forgot to link anything, pls contact me! }

· ───── Appreciation ───── ·


· Thank you to everyone who took pictures! ♡

· THANK YOU chateau for editing the toggle showcase! mwahh ♡

ღ · ───── Requirements ───── · 

· Uses unity 2022.3.6f1

· PLEASE have basic knowledge of unity before purchasing; if you have someone else upload it whom hasn't purchased it, THAT is leaking and against TOS! Goodluck xo 

· MUST create a project using VCC > import poi.Toon.7.3.50.To.8.1.161 > Uses SPS and VRCfury! MUST USE OR PROJECT WILL BREAK.

ღ · ───── Rules ───── · 

· ABSOLUTELY NO leaking.



· NO claiming my work as your own.

· You may edit it however you'd like, no editing beyond distinctable.

·NO taking ANY assets off of this avatar.


· You may not use ANY of MY EDITS for commercial OR personal use whatsoever.

· Proper information is required at checkout for your license (whether personal or commercial) to be valid.

· All of the sales are final, no refunds and if you have any problems feel free to contact me. { y2kora }

You will get a UNITYPACKAGE (532MB) file