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Hairy Vetch Seed - Inoculated

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Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa) is a versatile legume seed perfect for various applications such as cover crops, ground cover, erosion control, and green manure. It is commonly used in organic farming for its natural weed suppression and ability to enrich the soil with high levels of nitrogen.

Seeds are inoculated(coated) for improved nitrogen fixation.

Inoculated Seed: Legume seeds that are inoculated have been treated with beneficial bacteria called rhizobia. These bacteria help the plants fix nitrogen from the air, promoting healthy growth and enriching the soil.

Uncoated Seed: Raw legume seeds, also known as uncoated seeds, have not been treated with rhizobia bacteria. They rely on naturally occurring bacteria in the soil to establish a symbiotic relationship and fix nitrogen.

Product Information:

Application or Use: Cover Crop, Ground Cover, Erosion Control, Green Manure, Hay Production

Germination Time: 10 - 14 days, under optimal conditions

Growing Locations: Warm Season, Transition Zone, Cool Season

Height: 24 inches

Sunlight Requirements: 6 - 8 hours, full sun for best results

Advantages: Natural weed suppression; provides high nitrogen.

When to Plant: Recommended planting time is spring, summer, and fall when night time temperatures are consistently 65+ degrees.

Product Details:

Hairy Vetch is a hardy, viney, annual or biennial legume that can reach a height of 24 inches. It is commonly used as a cover crop in organic farming, offering excellent natural weed suppression and erosion control. When planted alone, Hairy Vetch can provide up to 110 lbs. of nitrogen per acre to a following spring crop.

Hairy Vetch is known for its beautiful purple/rose-colored flowers that appear in clusters. It is winterhardy and more drought-tolerant compared to other vetch varieties. This seed thrives in cooler temperatures and fertile loam soils, making it adaptable across the United States. It can even grow in acidic soils where Clover and Alfalfa struggle.

For grazing purposes, it is recommended to wait until the plants reach at least 6 inches in height to preserve the buds needed for regrowth. When used for hay production, Hairy Vetch is typically cut during the early bloom stage.

Choose Hairy Vetch for its resilience, nitrogen fixation abilities, and multiple applications in enhancing your garden or agricultural practices.