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The Star Wars Roblox Kashyyyk map offers players an immersive adventure set on the lush, forested homeworld of the Wookiees. This detailed recreation captures the dense jungles and towering wroshyr trees that define the planet, providing a rich backdrop for epic battles and exploration. Players can navigate through treetop villages, hidden pathways, and military outposts, encountering a variety of iconic characters and engaging in intense combat scenarios. The map’s design emphasizes both natural beauty and strategic complexity, ensuring an engaging experience for fans of the Star Wars universe and Roblox enthusiasts alike.


  • Detailed
  • High Quality
  • Unique map
  • Large Map
  • Bases
  • Multiple Unique Terrains
  • Defender and Opposition spawn
  • Shipyard
  • Prison
  • Training Area
  • Venator Base
  • Underground area
You will get a RBXL (30MB) file

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