Worlds of IF Science Fiction #177
Worlds of IF is back! Enjoy the timeless art and literature of the inaugural issue of the relaunched classic science fiction magazine Worlds of IF. With work from legends of the genre and exciting new talent alike, this issue includes a diverse and multigenerational cohort of contributors. The extraordinary ideas and storytelling that have made science fiction great are celebrated, while compelling new horizons of the imagination are explored.
In this issue:
Renan Bernardo
David Brin
Michael Butterworth
Tara Campbell
Kwame Cavil
A. J. Dalton
Tatiana Daubek
Bob Eggleton
Zdravka Evtimova
Richard Grieco
Akua Lezli Hope
Pedro Iniguez
Ai Jiang
Leslie Kean
Rodney Matthews
Bruce Pennington
Charles Platt
Daniel Pomarède
Paulo Sayeg
Robert Silverberg
Andrew Stewart
Nigel Suckling
Dave Vescio