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Agape: Mending of a Broken Heart

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The question I get asked the most is how do I heal from a broken heart; this is usually followed up by how do I forgive, and accompanied by is “why is this happening to me”? The reason for this question may vary, but the premise is the same. Disappointments, setbacks, and misunderstanding are all a direct result of pain. I have found myself on occasion trying to dissect the purpose of God’s plan for pain, and there is so much I have discovered, but one thing stuck out to me for sure and that is pain management. If we look at Jesus’s life, it wasn't one without pain, shame, hurt, labor, disappointment, betrayal, or trials. It was burdensome to say the least and was an illustration that pain is a messenger on this journey throughout life. So, as we explore this together, you will get a brief and basic introduction to pain management, why we endure heart aches, how to navigate heart breaks, and how God’s word can help see you through this as well. The goal of this is to give you tools to help you heal and process your pain because for most of your life you’ve been indoctrinated into your pain, but It is time you become indoctrinated in your faith.
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