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The People Pleaser's Guide To Reclaiming Personal Power

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32 page digital guide designed to help people pleasers reclaim their personal power.

This guide is for…

The person who, across the board, finds it difficult to say No to things that are asked of you. 

You feel obligated to say Yes, but resent it.

You feel trapped in this obligation.

You feel guilty if you say No so it never truly feels like an option.

All of which causes you to feel overlooked and taken advantage of. 

It’s also for the person who only finds it difficult to say No in certain situations or with certain people. 

In most situations, you feel free to agree to what you want to agree to and to say No to what you want to say No to, but there are still moments and people that you contract around. 

This usually occurs when saying No feels like it’s going to create confrontation either by them being mad at you or disappointed in you. 

The feeling of someone being mad at you or disappointed in you causes too much unease in you to say how you truly feel about the request, so you agree to the request out of resentment and frustration (though you likely bottle that up inside and repress it, because expressing it creates confrontation, which is scary and uncomfortable).

In these instances, you lose your power to align with what you truly desire to align with, but you just sort of “deal with these moments” by taking on the frustration and resentment without doing anything to truly change the dynamic. 

You’re not faced with an inability to say No on a day-to-day basis, so it doesn’t feel like a “real issue” to deal with.

Your strategy has mainly been to avoid these situations and relationship dynamics, but they still pop up every so often. 

And when they do occur, you just suck it up and deal with it until you get through it (and you probably vent about it to someone close to you). This isn’t very peaceful or powerful.

This guide can help you transform these moments, as well. 

I offer a range of solutions regarding reclaiming your personal power around your ability to agree to what you truly desire to agree to and to say NO to the things you desire to say NO to, where each solution is a progressive step towards reclaiming more peace and power.

Solution One may be all that you can get your energy behind today, but I share a full bridge of options so you can progressively get your energy behind solutions that reclaim more and more of your personal power.

If you’re someone who has an easier time saying No, but are not yet solid in your ability to do it in every scenario, I share a solution that helps you reclaim more personal power. 

And if you’re someone who says No as a reaction against someone asking something of you (i.e., a recovering people pleaser), I show you how to say No from a place of peace and power (versus a reaction against the request, which not necessarily coming from a place of peace and power).

I even offer the solution that an enlightened being lives so you understand the full scale of peace and power that’s possible. 

My entire body of work is about increasing self-awareness around our unconscious patterns, so we live from greater and greater degrees of personal power, peace, love and joy. 

This guide is written from this same intention.

We’re all somewhere on a spectrum between varying degrees of disempowerment and full empowerment (this is the process of awakening). 

This guide addresses the full spectrum by offering a progressive range of solutions, depending on what you can currently get your energy behind.

Whether you’re new to understanding personal empowerment or have been at it awhile, this guide is designed to help you increase your self-awareness.

One of the main things I share is the process of inquiry I have been using for the past 13 years to understand any unconscious pattern in myself (I apply this process to scenarios related to people pleaser’s in this guide, but it’s the same process I use for any unconscious pattern in myself). 

This guide lays the foundation for being able to see unconscious movements in yourself and understand them in an instant (once the foundation is known and understood). 

It requires being able to understand your pattens from three very specific angles. 

Once you know these three angles, you’ll be able to start recognizing, owning and transforming patterns in yourself, in a flash. 

No more drowning in patterns for years, months, weeks, days…or even hours

Knowing this is what allows me to constantly notice, understand and address any dissonance that shows up in my experience. 

I don’t live buried under patterns that cause frustration, resentment, bitterness, anger, etc. because I know how to address what causes these feeling in my experience. 

(Hint: blaming outwardly is never going to change your experience of the dynamic).

My goal with this guide is to empower you to live in alignment with your heart, which is very different from the "guilt of what a good hearted person should do".

No more guilt.

No more manipulation from doing what a "nice" person does.

No more shrinking from speaking up about your true desires.

No more worrying about what people will think of you for saying No.

Just effortlessly tuning into your heart and following what you truly desire to say Yes or No to.

Even if you’re not the one in the relationship who finds it difficult to say No, this is for you if you have a partner who finds it difficult to say No. 

If you’re interested in creating a partnership with equal power, this guide will help you understand why they find it difficult to say No and how you can help them feel more powerful in being able to do so. 

It’s easy to take advantage of someone who never says No and it’s easy to overlook how they feel inside (because they bottle it up and repress it), but if you want to create a strong relationship of equal power, understanding them is going to help you co-create a stronger relationship.

It's also for the person who generally wants to increase your understanding of self-awareness so you're in a better position to helps others.

This guide is truly designed to help a range of people.

I break it all out so that no prior understanding is needed to begin applying it.

And I include enough nuance such that someone who is well into a journey of self-awareness is still able to gain valuable insight.

One of my gifts is offering a “bridge of understanding” so that wherever you find yourself in your journey of personal development or self-awareness, there’s a point on this bridge for you to plug into and move from wherever you are. 

You don’t have to be at the beginning of your journey to benefit from this process, but you could be and you’d still be able to benefit from this guide. 

There’s an access point for a range of people with a set of solutions that progressively stair steps you towards taking more and more responsibility for your inner peace and personal power. 

You choose the solutions that feels best, right and relevant for where you are. And you have the next option in sight so you can choose it once it feels relevant. 

This allows a range of people to benefit from the tools in this guide and it equips you for the long haul.

If you feel called to learn more about this process, it would be an honor to serve you through this guide.

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