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Dinosaurs | STEAM Biomimimicy Project Based Learning Digital Activities

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This project-based learning resource focuses on the magnificent dinosaurs. These activities are a perfect way to think about what information is and how we get information. Palaeontologists do not always agree. A great way to get students excited about science. This is a lesson plan that will guide you through the process of using biomimicry and steam activities to inspire students to ask questions, and use creative thinking to explore ideas. One biomimicry activity includes using plant-eating dinosaurs as inspiration for new ideas.

Why not grow new teeth?

Dinosaurs are mysterious and exciting! So this dinosaur unit will surely be a hit with your students.

What are you waiting for? Purchase this fun, educational and engaging resource now and give your students dinosaur activities they'll love.

Contact me at if you have any questions, thanks.

The fascinating and unique Dinosaur package contains:

Introduction to the unit. What we know, What we think we know, and What we want to know.

1. What do you know? What do you want to learn?

2. Ways to find out about dinosaurs

3. What if I found an egg

4. When is an egg a dinosaur egg? Make a tally

5. My Dinosaur Egg Gallery

6. Write a story about a palaeontologist who finds a dinosaur egg.

7. Dinosaurs - have, are, can. Dinosaurs are cool because. . .

8. Dinosaurs - have, are, can, what if, how, when, where, Dinosaurs are cool because. . .

9. Draw me

10. How do we know dinosaurs existed?

11. Digging for bones

12. Tricky but cool words

13. Ask the Dinosaurs Sparkling Questions

14. What did they look like?

15. My Gallery of Dinosaurs

16. Put up a display at the Dino Museum

17. I am a dinosaur – perhaps!

18. What if you could solve a dino mystery? - Storywriting

19. What if I found a dino baby? - Storywriting

20. Dinosaur or not a dinosaur - What do you think?

21. Shape Poem

22. Carnivore, Herbivore What did Dinosaurs eat?

23. Haunting but beautiful cries! Write a song. Invent an Instrument.

24. Dinosaur bridge

25. Invent a robot, toy, or car.

26. What if you were a dentist? Inspired by plant-eaters

27. Reflection on the learning.

28. How to use biomimicry in the classroom

Why am I qualified to write these biomimicry resources? I was a member of BEN - Biomimicry Education Network - and a curator of educational resources at BEN. I am the author of the book Biomimicry with Theo & Tuva: Nature spotting inspires wild ideas. In 2015, I completed a course in Biomimicry: A Sustainable Design Methodology at Minneapolis College of Art and Design. I took part in the Biomimicry Design Challenge in 2021.

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Number of pages - 45

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