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Total Self Care Workshop - RECORDING OF ZOOM MONDAYS 6:00-8:00P PST. June 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2024

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"Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"

Series of 4 Classes

Monday evenings 6:00-8:00pm. (PST)

6/3, 6/10, 6/17 and 6/24/24



I will send you the recording each week via Email.

You can download the Recording and keep it forever.


Each Class will be recorded through Zoom and will be available for future viewing

Class Notes written by me (Julia) will also be included

Here are some comments from those who attended and viewed online:

"This is an amazing course. Julia's authenticity and experience come together in a powerful way to release wisdom and healing. " - D.

"I loved each class. They all reminded me that I am loved, worthy and human! "- S.

"Your powerful testimony is so inspiring! "- A.

 "I have loved how well thought out, planned, and informative this class has been! This isn't something I typically sign up for but when I got the email I had the nudge to do it and I am so thankful I did!! Listening to Julia speak was amazing. She has so much knowledge with which she spoke up, gave us practical things to practice/try, incorporated God and her testimony, made everyone feel welcome, and took all our questions to make sure everyone understood. I am so thankful for Julia and all she shared in what she has learned breaking it down in a way we can easily understand!" - D.C.

 "I felt included from the start to finish, even though I was in the UK and watching a recording, not live.

The detailed information was great - I’d never heard about trauma release in detail before - so helpful.

I liked that you didn’t dumb things down but spoke about quite complex things. I was really grateful to have as it put treatment and self-help and how Holy Spirit helps us, into a more understandable framework.

The practical exercises - wow! I’m doing those and can feel they are powerful." - A.S.


Description of Classes

"Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"

Total Self Care Workshop

4 Class Series

This series is a culmination of 18 years of massage work that focuses on every aspect of a healthy being. If you have had sessions with me, you know my work encompasses much more than massage. And I love to share what I've learned through the years of training and experience. This is an extension of what I love to do, help people improve their health, not just physical health, but their entire beings - body, mind, spirit and emotion. They are all connected.

One aspect of healing is not enough. We cannot separate our emotional well being from our physical well being, or from a healthy mindset, or healthy spiritual outlook. Come explore with me complete healing and learn what I've learned and experienced for myself over the past 18 years as I have gone on my own healing journey and helped others with their health journeys. My passion is for every individual to live a more fully alive and healthy life! I am a Christian and will be coming from that perspective.

This Workshop is for anyone who would like to dig deeper in how we function as human beings and connecting that with the powerful love of God! Walking with God and letting Him direct us in our life.

Each class will focus on a specific area of self-care.

Class #1: Focus on the Body - 

  • This class will focus on self care for the body. There are some foundational needs that we have physically that when they are taken care of the body can heal and thrive. I will give you basics on posture, some easy exercises and resources for more.

Class #2: Focus on the Mind(Beliefs) and Self Talk - 

  • So much of what we experience in our body is directly connected to our mindset(belief system) and self talk. Often times the pain we experience is a signal from our body that something is off. The journey begins as we start understanding what these signals mean and how to become an advocate for ourself. Our relationship with our bodies and how to improve that relationship is key. We will cover information on how the brain works so that we can better navigate. This will be such a fun goal is to connect you with you!

Class #3: Focus on Emotional Release

  • This night will be all about emotional/trauma release. Our bodies carry trauma and emotions on a cellular level. Have you ever felt like something was stuck in our body and you just didn't know how to get it out? I want to share with you ways that you can start to help and support your body with letting go of trapped emotions.  I will introduce you to Cranial Sacral work and ways you can do some things on your own to promote better nervous system function. 

Class #4: Focus on the Spirit in the healing process

  •  I will be sharing my healing journey with God after 40 years of Bipolar II diagnosis to Freedom. Also my journey with digestive issues and bladder pain. God took me through a unique experience and he has one for you as well. I wanted to share how I connected to God in this process.  I am hoping this will bring hope and inspire you in your own journey with God into healing.