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BLEP BASE - P2U - by Kolae

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BLEP BASE! release the bleps!

18 different tail types included -> wolf, extra puffy, smol puff, dino, bandaged, curled husky, tadpole, tailmouth, snake and MORE!!

tailess version included as well, if you want no tail or if you want to draw your own

base comes in .PSD format, which can be opened by most art programs

includes my brush settings for PAINT TOOL SAI 2!


Can be used to make adoptables for profit

Can be used for commissions for profit

Can be used for gifts, other drawings, etc

Feel free to edit the base to fit your needs!

DO NOT trace/copy my base

DO NOT remove my signature

DO NOT transfer base to other people

Please do give me credit when used

if you have any questions, please contact me at FA ( )

OR email me at


thank you so much! I can't wait to see what people make!
You will get a PSD (5MB) file