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"777" The Fast That God Has Called (eBook)

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Welcome to the fast that will revolutionize your life!  

Has God been speaking to you about Fasting lately? Then I encourage you to engage in a fast that God has called that will ELEVATE you and PROPEL you into your God-destiny. God’s desire for ” 777 - The Fast That God Has Called” is not just a “light touch” fast or a “tick the box” religious activity. His purpose for this fast is to get you to dig deep into the scriptures and have INTENTIONAL and ENGAGING conversations with Him that will bring about a TRUE transformation within you.  “777 - The Fast That God Has Called” digs deep and causes you to be real with yourself and ask the questions:
  • Why am I REALLY seeking God?
  • Do I truly desiheart connectionction with him and a lasting and meaningful relationship born out of a pure heart and mutual desire to partner with him?
  • Or am I seeking God for what He can provide? 
This fast will cause you to be honest and to check your motives. Additionally, you will be EMPOWERED to flow in the Seven-fold Spirits of the Lord so that you can live FREELY and FIERCELY in the ABUNDANCE of God every day of your life!

Length:  100 pages
Includes dedicated spaces for taking notes
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