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Healing Belongs To Us

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"I have prayed and prayed. I have been in healing meetings all over the country and have been prayed for many times, but still I am not healed. Can you help me?" This plaintive appeal has been heard many times by ministers. They pray for sick persons, but often the sick leave as they cameā€”not healed. Why is it that some are healed instantly while others trudge from place to place seeking healing, only to be disappointed time after time? Why is it that some who are pillars in the church often suffer for years while others who are less devout receive a sudden miracle from God? Is God a respecter of persons? Or have we failed in our approach to healing, lacking a complete understanding of what God's Word teaches on the subject? In this book we will look to the Scriptures for the answer. Much emphasis has been placed on the practice of anointing with oil, laying on of hands, and praying for the sick. But there is more to healing than anointing with oil, just as there is more to salvation than prayer. The anointing oil, the minister's prayer, and the laying on of hands are simply methods, or points of contact. In themselves they do not heal. They are avenues through which we can release our faith in God's Word.

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