从 KKK 到 CIA:美国时间轴 / From KKK to CIA: An American Timeline - 汉英版/Chinese-English Edition (PDF)
了解该机构的完整历史,了解他们在他们那个时代所做的事情。 从专家历史爱好者那里收集信息,深入了解某些行为对现实生活的影响。
了解 CIA 的真正目的,并了解它如何影响美国公众。
通过本书中包含的综合时间表发现更多见解,带您回顾帮助安全机构进入当前迭代的特定事件。 一切都组织清晰,并包含引文,适合想要可信谈话要点的精明辩论者。
不得不编辑原始版本。 - 他修饰了一下。
A personalized timeline of a diminished dream.
Quirky little coffee table eBook...
Intended mainly for the American expat community.
Here's the paid version:
Want to spark a conversation at your next gathering?
Join the debate and uncover the truth about the CIA with this incredible coffee table book.
Explore the agency’s full-fledged history with accounts of what they’ve done in their time. Gather information from an expert history buff and gain insight on the real-life implications of certain actions.
Learn what the CIA is really up to, and find out how it affects the American public.
Discover even more insights with the comprehensive timeline included in this book, taking you back through specific events that helped shape the security agency into its current iteration. Everything is organized clearly and has citations included, for astute debaters who want credible talking points.
Don’t delay—get your hands on this must-have book displaying the truths of one of America’s most powerful institutions:
The Central Intelligence Agency.
Had to edit the original version. - He laid it on kind of thick.
Probably could use more work.