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Hydrofoil Telemetry JX40 Performance Tuner

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Hydrofoil Telemetry JX40 Performance Tuner


Welcome to the Hydrofoil Telemetry JX40 Performance Tuner, a comprehensive tool designed to optimize the performance of your JX40 yacht through efficient setup parameter management and insightful target data analysis. This user manual will guide you through the detailed features, operations, and practical applications of the app.

Getting Started

Uploading Your Setup File:

Begin by clicking on the "Click to upload a jx40_user_setups.kl file" button located at the top of the application interface.

Select your .kl file containing setup parameters specific to your JX40 yacht.

The app will process the file upon selection and display your setup parameters in a structured table format.

Understanding Setup Parameters:

Table Display: The setup parameters are organized in a table format, categorized under different sailing conditions such as Upwind and Downwind.

Parameter Details: Each parameter (e.g., rudder pitch, sail camber) is listed with its current value and accompanied by a tooltip providing a detailed description of its function and optimal adjustment considerations.

Editing Setup Parameters:

Interactive Editing: Parameters with numeric values are editable directly within the table.

Editing Process: Click on any editable value to activate an input field. Enter the new value and press Enter or click outside the input field to save the update.

Real-time Updates: The app immediately updates the displayed value and notifies you of the successful parameter update with a brief message.

Analysis and Optimization

Viewing Target Data:

Performance Targets: The app includes a dedicated section displaying target data based on different wind speeds (knots) and sailing conditions (upwind/downwind).

Comparative Analysis: Use this data to compare your current setup performance against optimal targets, helping you identify areas for improvement and adjustment.

Downloading Updated Setup:

Saving Edits: Once you have fine-tuned your setup parameters to your satisfaction, click on the "Download New File" button.

File Download: This action initiates the download of an edited .kl file containing your updated setup values, ready for immediate use on your JX40 yacht.

Additional Features

Tooltips for Parameter Descriptions:

Tooltip Functionality: Hover over any parameter name to reveal a tooltip providing detailed information about its function, optimal adjustment considerations, and impact on yacht performance.

Feedback and Messages:

Real-time Feedback: The app provides instant feedback messages displayed prominently at the top of the interface.

Message Duration: Feedback messages automatically disappear after a few seconds, ensuring a clean and uncluttered user experience.

Practical Usage for Sailors

Pre-Race Preparation: Use the HT / JX40 Performance Tuner to fine-tune your yacht’s setup parameters before a race, optimizing for specific wind conditions and performance targets.

Training and Experimentation: Experiment with different setup configurations to understand their impact on performance metrics like speed, VMG (Velocity Made Good), and TWA (True Wind Angle), refining your sailing strategy over time.

Collaborative Setup: Share edited setup files with teammates or sailing partners, enabling collaborative refinement and alignment of setup parameters for competitive sailing events.

System Requirements

Browser Compatibility: The HT / JX40 Performance Tuner is compatible with modern web browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

File Format: Ensure your .kl setup file adheres to the specified format for seamless parsing and accurate display of setup parameters within the app.


The Hydrofoil Telemetry JX40 Performance Tuner is your indispensable tool for achieving peak performance and optimization of your JX40 yacht. Whether you’re preparing for a competitive race, embarking on a challenging cruise, or refining your sailing skills, this app empowers you with the tools and insights needed to excel on the water.

If you do not want to use your own jx40_user_setups.kl file you can still try the app with an example file made available in a .zip file below. The downloadable file is the original jx40_user_setups.kl file that comes with Hydrofoil Generation Version 1.0.1,...

You will get a ZIP (4KB) file

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