From Science to SciComm
From Science to SciComm is a guide and workbook for scientists who want to move into a science communication career. The first few chapters will also be of interest to researchers who want to get involved with science communication in addition to their research career.
Second edition published in January 2020.
The workbook originated as four blog posts, which have been re-written, heavily edited, and expanded to include even more tips for researchers who are just starting their SciComm journey. The seven exercises at the end of the workbook relate to the chapters, but can be used independently and do not need to be completed in a particular order unless indicated.
For the purposes of this workbook, the term science communication (or SciComm) is considered to mean any form of communication about science, scientists and scientific research, to an audience of people outside of that field of science. This communication can be through talks, performances, writing, or any other medium. It does not include academic communication to other scientists.
Workbook contents
- Chapter 1 - Writing tips for researchers interested in science communication
- Chapter 2 - Finding science communication opportunities as a researcher
- Chapter 3 - Freelance science communication work
- Chapter 4 - Finding science communication jobs
- Exercise 1 - From research paper to news article
- Exercise 2 - Write your own science news article
- Exercise 3 - What’s your SciComm style?
- Exercise 4 - Tracking your science communication activities
- Exercise 5 - Pitch perfect
- Exercise 6 - Transferable skills
- Exercise 7 - Your SciComm CV
About the author
Eva Amsen is a freelance science writer and communicator, as well as the founder of Share Your Sci. Her writing has appeared on, in Nature, Nautilus, Hakai, Undark, and several other publications. She also provides science communication services for researchers, publishers, industry, and other organizations. Prior to this, she spent a decade working in science communication roles for academic groups and scientific publishers. Eva has a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Toronto and a MSc in Chemistry from VU University Amsterdam. She is currently based in London, UK.