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The Kestenberg Movement Profile Color Wheel Poster (in two sizes)

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About the Kestenberg Movement Profile Color Wheel Poster—

The Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) is a descriptive, developmentally grounded, systematic, and in-depth way of looking at the nonverbal. The KMP Color Wheel posters, which measure 8.5' x 11' and 11' x 17' (this latter version is sized to be printed out), provide a concise, visual representation of the KMP. Through design and color, the wholeness and complexity of the profile is captured. Further, these posters are a practical reference tool that can be utilized by those learning the profile as well as those who already know it.

Dr. Judith Kestenberg, who I interned with in the late 1980's, always emphasized the importance of using the KMP as a whole and not just focusing on specific movement patterns to make conclusions. Dr. Kestenberg saw all the patterns as interconnected. The actual wheel contains all the patterns utilized for constructing a Kestenberg Movement Profile (shape flow design is not included). Further, the layout mirrors the layout of the diagrams of the profile. The left half of the wheel contains the indulging, accommodating patterns with growing/open shapes; the right half contains the fighting, differentiating patterns with shrinking/closed shapes. The center of the wheel contains the earliest patterns—the rhythms (representing biological needs/personality and many kinds of flow). Moving out from the center are the more mature patterns such as pre-efforts, efforts, shaping in directions, and shaping in planes. Finally, each pie of the wheel follows a developmental progression (i.e. even flow with narrowing to channeling with across to direct with enclosing). The top pieces of the wheel are space/horizontal patterns, the middle weight/vertical patterns, and the bottom time/sagittal patterns. The colors were chosen based on informal observations made at the Center by Dr. Kestenberg and an art therapist on staff at the time, that those colors were often used by children with those particular dynamic patterns (i.e shades of blue for even flow, channeling, & direct).
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