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Mentoring Ministry - How God Can Use You to Shape the Following Generations

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1. Summary
2. Aims
3. Reviews

1. Summary

Our journeys are unique, and as we get older we should be better able to help shape the following generations using our gifts and experience. Yet many would-be mentors aren't so sure about how to go about this. Past failures, pride, insecurity, lack of confidence and opportunity in a fragmented Western culture that prizes individualism have helped create seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Reliance on programs in business and church, and the professionalization of Christian ministry have tended to hinder more natural connections between the generations; systems and organizational expertise may have grown, but often at the expense of discipleship and personal growth.The aim of this book is to help you consider how you can better mentor an increasingly isolated generation of older teenagers and young adults - those aged between roughly 18 and 30 years old.

2. Aims

By reading this you will:

1. Gain a better understanding of the history of mentoring and its biblical basis.
2. Consider biblical characters who mentored others, and how they point us to Christ.
3. Better appreciate typical obstacles to effective mentoring today.
4. Gain clarity regarding your unique skills, interests and knowledge.
5. Understand the essential components in a solid mentoring relationship.
6. Recognize how you can being to invest practically in young adults, and put yourself at God's disposal to help them.

3. Reviews

I've been a mentoring pastor for 40 years in the States, and have met Fraser personally. I've seen firsthand how he lives his life with authentic grace,invitation for organic hospitality with his life and home, and how he very naturally mentors relationally. He has now put in layman's terms, with biblical depth, the historical basis, critical lost art, and helpful steps toward a mentoring lifestyle, whether you are in the church or outside in your neighborhood and workplace. He answers our doubts, questions, and negligent busy-ness to free us to organically shape key lives around us, and we all have them - Pat Harrison, Pastor, CO, USA

This is such a helpful read for any leaders wanting to invest in the generation of leaders to come. Fraser unpacks personal experience, wisdom gleaned over many years, and is especially good at highlighting Biblical mentoring relationships. We've all probably examined David and Jonathan, Paul and Timothy, but Fraser points out many other mentoring scenarios from the Old and the New Testaments. I'm recommending it strongly to a group of pioneer leaders I'm currently working with - Nigel James, Elim Church Pastor, Wales, UK

Every generation there needs to be a new book on mentoring. Those illusive millennials like myself are either nowhere to be seen in church or are struggling to make their way in a culture that prides itself in just being true to yourself, whilst yearning for a sense of belonging. The result is generational schism and segregation, as well as a lack of inter-generational This is a book that corrects much of the spirit of the age that's infected churches. As one such millennial who is weathering the current generational storm, I would recommend this book - Amazon review.

Thank you, Fraser, for giving us the time to reflect on the shapers evident in our lives, the fundamentals of how to incorporate mentoring, and the awareness to see what we're losing by not being purposeful mentors to a few key people-- that are already waiting to be asked. As someone who personally benefited from the author's guidance and encouragement in becoming a mentor, I cannot recommend this book highly enough - Sue Barrow, Author, Wales, UK

Excellent book - Dr Anne Dryburgh, Author of Overcoming Emotional Abuse Series

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