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The Secret Ciphers

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The first of two volumes, “The Secret Ciphers” is a commentary on the Book of Daniel. There is a mystery surrounding the time, times and half a time, that sound eschatology and historically accepted scholarship reveals the actual meaning of the ancient vision of Daniel.

The saga begins with the metal image of a man and its symbolic representations of the empires of gold, silver, brass, and iron. Then Daniel describes Nebuchadnezzar's dream that typologically foretells the Gentile domination of God’s people, both Israel and later the Church, for seven times. The Secret Ciphers continues to interpret the sweeping historical events that would lead to the final mysterious appointed times, or time times and half a time. Daniel was told to seal up his vision, and we were left wanting an incomplete understanding. Then the Apostle John is given a vision of the Lamb of God opening the seals.

John was given visions of the tremendous persecutions, and ultimate victory of the church. Our second volume titled “Opening the Seals,” covers the final restoration of Israel and the Church as prophesied by Daniel and The Revelation and are the last testament and prophecy of our Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
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