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Useful links to make your crochet life easier

• Overlay mosaic crochet in rounds from center out.

Basics, how to read charts, tips.

Video tutorial

Written guide + pattern Mosaics

• Overlay mosaic crochet in rows.

Basics, how to read charts, tips. 

Video tutorial

Written guide + pattern Booming Mosaic

• Tips & tricks, how to hide the tails “as-you-go”. 

Video tutorial

• Double Border. Easy Start. Three Magic Steps. 

Written guide (updated)

Video tutorial 

Read the file and watch the video before you start your project.

• How to work tapestry mosaic crochet. 

Video tutorial

• How to work any overlay mosaic crochet pattern in the round (like a tube). 

Video tutorial

• Mosaic crochet from center out: invisible join and perfect corners.

Video tutorial 


• Grundlagen des Mosaik-Häkelns in Reihen.

• Die Doppelte Bordüre. Einfacher Anfang. Drei Magische Schritte.

• Overlay Mosaik-Häkeln in Runden von der Mitte nach außen


• Mosaic Crochet, Basis. Overlay Mosaic in rijen

• Mosaic Crochet, Basis. Double Border. Makkelijke Start. 3 MagischeStappen


Conceptos básicos del ganchillo mosaico. Ganchillo mosaico en hileras

Borde doble. Inicio fácil. Tres pasos mágicos. Conceptos básicos en crochet mosaico

Conceptos básicos de crochet mosaico. Crochet mosaico en vueltas desde el centro hacia afuera


Crochet en mosaïque superposé en rangs, en boni le patron BOOMING MOSAIC

Bordure double. Démarrage facile. Trois étapes magiques

Les bases du crochet mosaïque superposé en rond, à partir du centre, en boni le patron MOSAICS


Mosaiikkivirkkaus peittäen ('overlay') riveillä sekä bonusohje Booming Mosaic

Mosaiikkivirkkaus peittäen kierroksissa -perusteet ja bonusohje MOSAICS