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I've held back on transmitting my BLOGS in relation to action taken by Admin of the Group "The Last Living Employees of British Rail and British Railways" who deleted BLOG 17 as being a SCAM. I have served over 50 years on the Railway. From Junior Porter to MS3, which was a grade normally attained by University Graduates, which of course I was not. It's not certain, but I think I may have held a record in time taking to attain Senior Technician in the S&T. I left British Rail and served as a Police Officer for 3 1/2 years. On the day I returned to British Rail as a Railman (labourer) I was immediately put into the position of Senior Technician. It was on the last day of this position being on the Vacancy List. I applied for the position and was granted it 4 weeks later.

Those of you who know me are aware that I am a true Railwayman. I am NOT a SCAMMER. I wrote these BLOGS after I retired. They were BLOGGED on my Website then, after which they were published as a book on Amazon. Many of you on the S&T are also aware of my "Basic Signalling Principles & Associated Circuitry" e-books and videos which are a giveaway for anyone entering or in early stages of Signalling Engineering. I occassionally advertise these on Group Sites which would be of interest. I do not advertise these on Railway Interest only Sites such as " The Last Living Employees of British Rail and British Railways".

PAYHIP is the Site that I sell e-books and videos, however all 17 of my BLOGS to date were linked directly to my BLOG PAGE on that Site. I have used the Site purely because I could send my BLOGS from there, as I no loger have my own website. If I had linked these Blogs via my "Products Page" then I could understand an element of suspicion. But, again, these Blogs were linked directly to the BLOG Page. I have not requested money for these BLOGS. I transmitted them purley because I felt there may an interest within the Railway community. 17 BLOGS to date, over 2000 views, with many "Likes" recorded, in fact some from the Group that deleted my BLOG.

If you feel that these BLOGS do not represent an interest to the Railway Community or meet your Groups Rules, all I ask is that you ask your ADMIN to explain the problem to me. This is available via the "Comments" section at the end of each BLOG.

Once again I am a Railwayman, not a SCAMMER. Dependant upon any comments I will re-commence BLOGS shortly.