Creatively Versed
The magic and wonder of words.
The magic and wonder of words.
Creatively Versed is about the magic and wonder of words. You'll find poetic prints, gifts, and unique handmade crafts designed to spark creativity and bring a touch of poetry into your life.
Designed and Crafted by Kiana Donae
—the soul behind, Creatively Versed
Kiana Donae is a published poet, author, and serial creative.
—a sanctuary for poets, dreamers, and inspired minds.
Beautiful and masterful! I love poetry that evokes emotion through witty and clever story telling and word play and this book delivered.
I know her as a beautifully, raw, talented Poetess, Soul, Queen and her book showcases exactly that. Her heart on display as she speaks her mind, her heart, her anger, her tears. Please read her!
Kiana Donae is a gifted writer who is masterful with a pen and her books are exceptional. This is a must buy!