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Helping YOU Clear Traumatic Memories FOR GOOD!

Hi, I'm David Ian Rogers, a Heyoka Empath by birth.

A Heyoka Empath is a soul who assists others in permanently overcoming their mental illnesses after awakening to the resolution of their own trauma.

My approach is rooted in my own journey of overcoming mental illness, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and addictions.

Healing trauma doesn't have to be painful or take years

My secret to healing trauma? A no-brainer and fun approach that clears it... FOR GOOD!

I utilise phrases that effortlessly guide my clients to access and process negative memories and thoughts.

Through simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ responses and diaphragmatic breathing techniques, my clients can permanently dissolve negative emotions and addictive urges.

Research over the past 30 years has identified trauma as the underlying cause of mental illness and addiction.

Addiction is essentially a description of behaviours we believe we can’t control, that is to say the language we use to describe these behaviours directly influences our experiences of craving and urge.

This insight is why addiction is often described as ‘adding diction’ – the addition of words to behaviour.

My process effectively eliminates addictive urges and cravings for good!

Hundreds of lives changed over the years

You can read hundreds of clients' testimonials on my website HERE and also on my Linked In page.

To book your session, you can click here or email me

I'm looking forward to helping you clear your trauma for good!

Lots of Love,

David The Heyoka

Mental Health Specialist