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Novation Circuit Tracks classic reduced sound patch editor made with touchOSC runs on iPad

Vanilla is here - A new, super simple Patch Editor!

What's better than an iPad editor for the Novation Circuit?

2 editors!

Why I had to create another editor

When I program sound patches, I tend to fall into certain habits. Like, adding more and more effect sauce because it always sounds a bit more impressive, until I end up with the same boring imitation of an Emmerich blockbuster's final chord. I think we've been all there.

With the Circuit, it's the Mod Matrix that I'm obsessed with. I've found that whenever I start a new sound, I immediately jump into the mod matrix and stack envelopes on top of LFOs that modulate each other and in a circle. Don't get me wrong, the Mod Matrix is an incredibly deep tool (the best feature of the Circuits in my opinion), but I had to stop doing the same thing over and over again.

So that's why

Vanilla is here!

Vanilla is an editor reduced to the essentials with the workflow of a classic analog synth. Everything fits on a single page. No tabs, no settings, no extensive macro configuration and above all: No Mod Matrix :-)

Instead Vanilla is:

  • 4 basic waveforms for the 2 oscillators, tuned in classic fashion by range, interval and fine tuning
  • 4 additional modulation controls provide supersaw, vintage oscillator instability and a wave shaper per oscillator
  • Mixer for the 2 oscillators, noise and ring modulation
  • Amp Envelope plus one supporting envelope for filter and a configurable target
  • Simple filter reduced to frequency, resonance, key tracking and a high pass/low pass switch.
  • A single LFO with 2 selectable targets.
  • 3 knob effect section with chorus, drive and portamento

That's it. Super simple, super intuitive, tons of fun!

Macros are either fixed (like filter, resonance) or you can choose between a few alternatives by selecting a button on top of the corresponding control (e.g. chorus or drive on FX Macro 8)

Comes with 50 patches

You can save and load up to 80 patches, 50 of wich already contain presets. Originally I had 32 presets in mind, but I had so much fun using my new toy that I just couldn't stop.

Interestingly, while creating patches with Vanilla, I came into a kind of frugal mentality and could even keep my hands of the chorus. Sometimes at least. So this stuff really sounds different from what I created before.

No, I did not lie! It's not a page, it's a dialog! :-)

These patches are saved in the app so that they do not take up any storage space on your circuit. However, you can also write sounds to your device.  

How can I get it?

Vanilla is packaged with both, the deepsounds soundpack and NC Companion. So essentially, it will be a free add-on!