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S.L. Dove Cooper's books now on Payhip (again)

It's been a while, but I wanted to have some more options. I really need more places to sell my books and keep track of, yes. Hey, it's worth a try!

Anyway, it is currently 7 in the morning and I've woken up way too early. Well. Not too-too early because I get extremely cranky if I've had too little sleep and here I am writing this post in preparation for launching my renewed Payhip store instead of, idk, yelling at clouds for existing. (Look, I get seriously grumpy without enough sleep.)

Right now, most all the basics that should be in the store are here, but expect me to fiddle with it on and off until I'm completely happy with it and have figured out quite how I want to set everything up. The books are here, though! And apart from page aesthetics (and maybe adding extra formats?) those aren't going to change.

Change will probably be slow too as I try to figure out exactly how I want to use this space. Like do I want to set up subcriptions here along with Patreon and cross-post? Shift over to here entirely? Still mulling it over because it's balancing not having all my eggs in one basket and what I can reasonably manage.

But the start has been made! Huzzah!