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Creating Characters with a blind reading

How to do an intuitive blind reading to:

  • Create characters
  • Create story lines
  • Probable challenges for the characters



I have a method for doing readings. And I'd like to show that to you now. Okay. I have a pendulum here, a crystal pendulum. I just like to hold it. It gets me into the zone and I close my eyes.


And I breathe in deep and release it however many times I wish to do that. (more deep breathing) And then I take my attention up, up here (motioning to a foot in front of me slightly above my head) because I'm going to go up into space in my imagination so that I get a remote view. And from that position in my mind, away from my body, away from what's going on here, then I will be able to see images right in front of me.


As if it was on that blackboard. I guess I can open my eyes. As if it's on that blackboard behind me, right. Or a TV screen. And it's like playing charades. I'll be shown images and then I have to figure out what it means.


Now you can do this for writing fiction because you're going to be playing a game of charades. So let's do that. Okay. So this is what you do first after breathing in and getting settled. You, you do this. (Speak the next sentence out loud) “I ask to connect with my higher self and spirit guides.”


You're connecting through your breath. You're allowing your higher self and your spirit guides to meet you, meet you in the middle. And remember, your awareness is going up.


Now, if you want, sometimes I call in Archangels or people that have passed on - my lollipop angels - I call them. I have four lollipop angels, and I ask them for help. So do whatever you want to do.

Sometimes call on writers. You can even call on writers who are still living because we're all connected. So you can just ask for help, ask for, ask for that help. Okay. So let's go.


Let's just do a mock reading of a character. Okay. So we're going to have a main character and we're going to find out who that is. Now, if at first you don't see anything. That's okay. Just allow yourself to go wherever your mind takes you, because you could have memories, you could hear songs, you could see words. It depends what your gift is. You could feel something.


I feel like it's a guy and he's got lots of muscles and I can, I can feel as if I'm him. Right? Okay. So you could start from there. So let let's just go and see what spirit is showing me today because I am connected. [Breathe to connect deeper)


Spirit give me a character. Is it this muscle guy I'm feeling? Yes, it is. Okay. Why? Okay. What is he doing? What, what is this character's agenda - the main focus? Oh, okay. So he's, he's interested in those 3D things. (People - not sure why I said “People”).


When I was a kid, we had these little camera type things with round film that goes around and you click it and then you, it was like a 3D picture right? So now of course with technology, things are a lot different, but it's one of those things.


See what I mean by charades? I know what I'm talking about, but I can't, I can't think of the name of it. Okay. So, um, he's interested in learning about that. That's that's on his agenda. Okay. Why, why is he interested in knowing about this technology?

He thinks he can get into people's thoughts by using this technology quicker than he could by telecommunication or like mind to mind. He thinks it would be more effective.


Okay. Why does he think that? Something about an eye on the prize. An eye on the prize. Okay. Not sure what that means. Okay. So as you're doing this, if, if you were to record (like I am right now on video for you) if you just record what's coming in, and then you could add tarot cards or playing cards or whatever to say - give me more information about that.


Or you might see one in your mind. Okay. So right now I'm seeing this Three of Pentacles in my mind. Yes. I see things in mid-air that you can see through. That's just what happens. And the more you practice this, the more you'll be able to do this. You can learn how to do this.


And then what sounds funny is then you talk to that image. So you take that image in your mind, and you can close your eyes too. Sometimes it's easier to close your eyes. And so the Three of Pentacles is opportunities. Okay. So usually job opportunities. So this is a job for him and there's gotta be a bad guy in here somewhere right? But you can get to the bad guy later or girl.


Okay. So let's just go into the Pentacles. What, what's the prize here? What's he looking for? He's - it's like he's in a race to beat some other companies or something and there's, um, a star involved here. He wants to be a star. He wants to be known for, um, for this technology and what he can do with it.

Okay. So let's leave him alone.


I'm not quite sure why we got the muscles, what's the importance of he's got this muscle shirt on and he's a muscle guy, but anyway, um, okay, so let's switch gears and again, let's bring in the opposing character, the one that gets in his way. Or if it's not a character, uh, what gets in his way? Okay.

What gets in his way? Okay see, now I didn't see anything. This time. Again, I went back into that clairsentient mode where all of a sudden I'm him and I'm looking down at my belly and at my six-pack. Wouldn't that be nice? Okay. So what gets in his way is his focus on his, um, physical body and his six pack instead of paying attention to his work and what he's trying to create with his mind and his, you know, spiritual connections. Okay.


So what is his turning point that he, um, he realizes that he's got to spend less attention on his body and more on, on getting the help that he needs from spirit, um, or whatever you want to call it right? Divine wisdom. And, okay, so let's go with that. Where, where does he turn? The turning point? What's the catalyst? Yes. The catalyst for change. Ah, we all have a catalyst for change.


All right. Okay. So anyway, I see this woman. She's got long, dark, straight hair. Might be Spanish, not sure, kind of got that tan look, um, it doesn't matter. It's whoever, right. But this is what I'm being shown. He's out for dinner with her or something. And she's telling him in, I'm not quite sure how she's telling him whether it's just a story.


And then he makes a connection, but she's really into smart guys. She, of course, she likes guys that take care of themselves. And that's important, but she's really turned on by smart men. Super smart. That's what gets her.


So he wants her and he's having trouble getting her to like really be into him. So he's decided to switch gears and pay more attention to his goal of creating this virtual, virtual reality. That's it? This virtual reality, something that's not out there yet.


But it's, it's tied into that technology. Okay. So then that's, that's how you do it. It's fun isn't it? And then you get to feel so clever because once you've been shown these images or you hear things or songs come to you or

memories come up that give you ideas. And when you remember words that you'd forgotten as you're going through this, and you just feel so great that I got it.


I got it. I got it. Okay. And that's just the beginning, then you just let it go and you keep asking questions. Okay. Well, um, what is in his background that would cause him to be more focused on his body then on the development of his mental and spiritual pursuits? Oh, wow. There you go. He was picked on. He was bullied. He was the little guy. And now he's not the little guy. So he's still got that going that - "No, I can protect myself and nobody's going to bug me now." But in his heart, he's always been that nerd. Right?


He's always been that intellectual. He's always been the book guy. But because of the bullying and everything going on, he had to become the big guy.

Focused on the six pack, focused on protecting himself physically. Now he can do both.


Now this could turn into a thriller, right? We could have - he discovers this or takes this technology to a new level. And then some buddy from Russia, of course, comes in and tries to take it from him. And maybe this is a story that's already out there. Who knows? I don't know. This is just what I've been shown.


It may change. I may grab my playing cards or my tarot cards or my crystal ball. That's over there and look into it and say, okay, show me something else. Show me something else. I'm going to take the cards. I'm going to walk into the cards. It doesn't matter what the meaning is for the Oracle cards.

Sometimes you just got to take that card and walk into it and say, show me.

Author ~ Seann Vinyasa-Billson