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Emry Kettle

Need to fix a problem behavior? Grab the fitting script/worksheet/workbook and dive right in.

Scripts are handy when you need phrases ready to go for the tricky moments. Workbooks are great for working slowly through a concept and helping you set personal goals.

Want something you don't see here? Tell me more! I'll make you something that fits your needs.

Emry smiling next to a tree

About Emry

Understanding the underlying factors of a child's behavior is not only the thing I'm probably best at in the world (besides making a dynamite veggie lasagna), it's paramount to my work. Sure, each kid is different and unique and I will die on that hill. However, behavior patterns don't lie.

When it comes to toddlers being toddlers, or neurodivergent kids existing, or your pre-teen having a personality shift, I've got your back. 

Let me be the behavioral specialist, so you can keep being the best at being you, for your family.