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Improving the Employability and Entrepreneurial Prospects of International Students in the UK Using a Dissertation-Centered Model

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Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

The United Kingdom is a popular destination for international students seeking to enhance their employability and entrepreneurial prospects through higher education. However, a number of limiting factors make it difficult for international students to either obtain employment or launch their own businesses in the United Kingdom after they graduate.

A dissertation-centered model has been proposed as a means to enhance the employment and entrepreneurial prospects of international students in the UK in response to these challenges. Under this model, international students would be required to complete a dissertation on a topic related to their future career prospects and with the potential to contribute to employment or the launch of a business immediately after graduation.

This model would provide international students with a deeper understanding of the industry gap and guide them on how to focus their dissertation outcomes on launching a business or proposing a strategy to solve imminent industry problems in the UK and the global community at large. Employers in the United Kingdom and around the world place a premium on employability and entrepreneurial skills. By conducting research and applying their knowledge to real-world industry problems, international students would acquire employability and entrepreneurial skills, making them more attractive to potential employers upon graduation.

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Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

In addition, the dissertation-centered model would allow international students to develop networks with industry professionals, subject-matter experts, and potential employers. By collaborating closely with research assistants and conducting research pertinent to the requirements and challenges of the industry, international students would be well-positioned to secure employment or launch their own businesses in the United Kingdom after graduation.

Nonetheless, there are potential obstacles associated with this model. For instance, some international students may lack the necessary skills to identify an industry gap and select a dissertation topic that correlates with it. Inadequate business communication skills may also hinder their ability to communicate effectively with prospective industry experts and trade associations. This is where a research assistant comes in, particularly for international postgraduate students.

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An experienced research assistant can assist international students throughout the dissertation writing process, particularly in aligning their research outcomes with their future career and entrepreneurial objectives. The dissertation-centered model has the potential to enhance the employment and entrepreneurial opportunities of international students in the United Kingdom. By providing practical experience and networking opportunities with industry professionals, international students would be well-prepared to enter the workforce or launch their own enterprises upon graduation. To ensure that international students are able to inculcate their future career and entrepreneurial goals from the conceptual phase through the final submission of the dissertation, it is essential that they have access to the appropriate support and resources.

10 Ways Your Choice of Dissertation Topic Can Improve Your Employment And Entrepreneurial Prospects After Graduation

Photo by Alexander Suhorucov on Pexels


As a postgraduate student, your dissertation topic can have a significant impact on your employment and entrepreneurial prospects after graduation. Your thesis topic goes beyond academic research, it is also a way to showcase your skills, interests, and abilities to potential employers and investors.

Here are 10 ways your choice of dissertation topic can improve your employment and entrepreneurial prospects after graduation:

1. Source of industry-specific knowledge

Choosing a dissertation topic that is related to your desired field of employment can be an excellent opportunity to acquire industry-specific knowledge and develop expertise. Through research, data gathering, and analysis of the chosen topic, you get to explore an area of interest that can provide practical insights into the field, making you better equipped to handle real-world challenges and become an industry expert.

2. Access to emerging markets

Your dissertation topic could be based on emerging trends in different industries or markets. Understanding current market demands can help you identify opportunities and become the “go-to” person for that particular niche, which could translate to better employment prospects or entrepreneurial opportunities. With the knowledge and expertise gained from your research and analysis of emerging trends, you will be better positioned to identify market gaps, pursue related job openings, or start your own enterprise.

3. Opportunity for networking

Choosing a dissertation topic that connects you with professionals in your field can create networking opportunities that can be beneficial to your career prospects. By conducting surveys, interviews, and extensive research that involves industry professionals, you get to interact with experts in your area of interest. These connections can open doors to related job opportunities or referrals, grants, partnerships, or collaborations for startups or further research.

4. Improved research skills

A research-intensive postgraduate program like a dissertation can significantly improve your problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. By choosing a relevant, challenging topic, you will be forced to develop rigorous analytical and research skills. These skills are highly valued across different industries and can make you stand out in a crowded job market. Employers will appreciate these skills as they demonstrate your ability to solve problems effectively and make informed decisions.

5. Refining professional interests

Choosing a dissertation topic related to your interests can be an excellent opportunity to refine your professional aspirations. Your dissertation topic could help you discover new areas of interest or consolidate your professional skills and interests. By reflecting on your abilities and the work you completed, you gain clarity on your career goals and which job opportunities align best with your personal vision and professional interests.

6. Demonstrating research capabilities

As a postgraduate student, choosing a dissertation topic implies that you have developed research skills and mastery of analysis. Choosing a relevant topic involves conducting literature reviews, designing research methodologies, data gathering, and analysis, and presenting research findings. These skills will be relevant to both academic and non-academic research demands in your field, making you stand out to employers looking for individuals who have demonstrated research capabilities.

7. Building credibility

Dissertation topics that explore current trends or challenges can improve your credibility in the field. By conducting comprehensive research and presenting data-driven insights, you become an expert in the field. This expertise can create opportunities for future consultations, presentations, or speaking engagements, positioning you as a reputable authority in your area of interest.

8. Demonstrating commitment

Your dissertation topic showcases your commitment to your academic endeavors, demonstrating a strong work ethic and professional dedication. Employers and investors value these qualities, which are critical for success in any industry or enterprise. Choosing a challenging dissertation topic and working hard to complete it shows potential employers that you have the drive, determination, and dedication they are looking for.

9. Preparing for graduate studies

Choosing a dissertation topic aligned with your interest in a particular field or industry prepares you for future graduate studies. A postgraduate research project requires advanced research and analytical skills, which are also essential for pursuing higher degrees. The skills and expertise acquired from your dissertation will be invaluable when pursuing advanced studies, making you a strong contender for graduate programs and postgraduate scholarships.

10. Offering entrepreneurial opportunities

Dissertation topics based on emerging trends or challenges can also create entrepreneurial opportunities. Through research, you can identify unexplored niches or gaps in the market, which can be the foundation for innovative startups or social enterprises. The research skills and knowledge acquired from your dissertation can be turned into entrepreneurial ventures, creating job opportunities for yourself and others.


In conclusion, your choice of dissertation topic can have a significant impact on your employment and entrepreneurial prospects after graduation. By choosing a relevant topic, you can source industry-specific knowledge, access emerging markets, create networking opportunities, develop research skills, refine your professional interests, build credibility, demonstrate your commitment and work ethic, prepare for graduate studies, and create entrepreneurial opportunities. With these benefits, choosing the right dissertation topic can be an investment that pays off in your professional and personal life, making you a valuable asset in the global economy.

Do you need a personalized guidance and assistance on how to improve your employability and entrepreneurial prospects as an international student in the UK using your dissertation as a tool? Are you an international student pursuing your dissertation in the United Kingdom? Need guidance, support, or answers to your dissertation-related questions?

Look no further!

About the Author

Emmanuel has over 20 years of experience as a freelance research writer, project manager, and business development professional. He has a strong background in delivering high-quality research-based content across various industries. His writing style is versatile, allowing him to adapt to different subjects and formats, including academic papers, market research reports, and business proposals. You can find inspiring educational and career resources in areas like career readiness, dissertation writing, employability skills, global entrepreneurship, and much more on his blog site.


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