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Get ready to save money with these top 10 tips for UK students. Discover the best money-saving tips, from budgeting and meal-planning to cashback apps and public transport. Start planning ahead today to improve your financial health.

Top 10 Money Saving Tips To Improve the Financial Health of UK Students

Get ready to save money with these top 10 tips for UK students. Discover the best money-saving tips, from budgeting and meal-planning to cashback apps and public transport. Start planning ahead today to improve your financial health.


Keeping track of your finances while studying in the UK can be a challenging endeavor. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy balance between your academic responsibilities, your social life, and your efforts to save money. However, there are a number of hints and suggestions that can assist you in improving your financial health and increasing the amount of money you have saved. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 ways in which students in the UK can save money.

1. Set a Budget

A well-developed spending plan is essential to maintaining sound financial health. To begin, compute both your monthly income and your monthly expenses. This will give you an idea of how much you can afford to spend on non-essential items like entertainment and dining out, such as how much money you have available. Make sure you don't go over your spending limit by sticking to your budget at all costs.

2. Shop for Discounts

There are a lot of businesses out there that give students discounts on their products and services. Look for businesses that provide student discounts on everything from food and clothing to traveling and entertainment options. In addition, shop during the off-season to take advantage of significantly reduced prices and special offers.

3. Use Public Transport

When compared to driving or taking a taxi, using public transportation can help you save a significant amount of money over the course of a trip. To reduce the cost of your regular commute, consider purchasing a bus pass or a railcard. In addition, walking or riding a bike instead of driving can help you save money on transportation costs while also allowing you to maintain or improve your fitness level.

4. Plan Your Meals

Not only is preparing your own food better for your health, but it also has the potential to save you a significant amount of money over time. Making a menu plan for the week in advance and purchasing ingredients in large quantities can help you save money. When it comes to cost, eating at restaurants should be avoided as much as possible in favor of preparing meals at home.

5. Use Cashback Apps

Cashback apps give you a percentage of the money you spend back as cash. After you have finished shopping, all you have to do is scan your receipt to get your money back on the items you bought. There is a wide selection of cashback apps available today; therefore, you should look for one that provides cashback on items that you frequently buy.

6. Rent Your Textbooks

Investing in textbooks can be a costly endeavor, especially considering that some are only needed for a single academic term. Instead of purchasing textbooks, consider renting them from the library of your university or from a company that specializes in renting textbooks. Taking advantage of this can end up saving you a significant amount of money over the course of your degree.

7. Choose Free Social Events

Your neighborhood plays host to an abundance of free social events on a regular basis. There are a lot of opportunities to have fun that do not require spending any money, such as attending music festivals or cultural events. Check out the event calendar posted at your school or look for upcoming gatherings on social media.

8. Establish a Bank Account for Savings.

Create a savings account that is dedicated solely to handling financial crises and unforeseen costs. Putting aside a small amount of money each month can, over the course of time, add up to a significant sum, and it can also provide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you have money saved up for unexpected expenses.

9. Cut Your Spending

Take a close look at your monthly costs and determine the areas in which you can make reductions. This might entail spending less money on going out to eat, on entertainment, or on subscriptions. Make an effort to alter your spending patterns and stay true to your financial plan by exerting some conscious effort.

10. Plan Ahead

When it comes to saving money, one of the most important things to do is to plan ahead. Consider major outlays, such as vacations or large purchases, in advance and put money aside on a regular basis in order to save up for them. You can feel more in control of your finances and prevent yourself from overspending if you plan ahead of time.


In conclusion, the ten suggestions presented here can assist students in the UK in improving their overall financial health and saving money for the future. It is important to keep in mind that you should open a savings account, rent textbooks, choose free social events, remember to set a budget, shop for discounts, use public transportation, plan your meals, use cashback apps, and plan ahead. You can have a significant effect on your financial situation by making only modest adjustments to the ways in which you spend money.

About the Author

Emmanuel is an MSc graduate of Engineering Project Management at Coventry University, UK. He has over 20 years of experience as a dissertation writing research tutor, project manager, and business development professional. He has a strong background in delivering high-quality research-based content across various industries. His writing style is versatile, allowing him to adapt to different subjects and formats, including academic papers, market research reports, and business proposals. You can enroll for his Research Writing Assistance and Tutoring Services to enhance both your academic performance and career readiness.


1.      Bola Sokunbi. (2019). Clever girl finance: ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.

2.      Campbell, M. (2018). Money Saving Tips for Students. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.

3.      Khalfani-Cox, L. (2015). College secrets: how to save money, cut college costs, and graduate debt free. Mountainside, Nj: Advantage World Press.

4.      Lucan, D. (2012). The Smart Budget Shopper Handbook: 50 Money Saving Tips.

5.      Mark Geoffrey Young. (2013). The Best Ever Book of Money Saving Tips for Students. CreateSpace.

Save the Student. (2023, August). Student Discounts 2023. Retrieved August 10, 2023, from Save the Student website: