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Top 10 Reasons Why You Need a Personal Tutor as a UK Student (Remote)

Explore the top 10 reasons why you need a personal tutor as an undergraduate or postgraduate student in the UK. Learn about the benefits of remote learning and how online tutors can help you succeed. Get guidance and advice today.


Learning is no longer limited to the conventional confines of a classroom setting in this age of widespread digitization. Dozens of studies have demonstrated, since the introduction of online learning, that the academic performance of students can significantly improve with the assistance of a personal tutor. According to recent studies, more than forty percent of college students in the United Kingdom are using the services of private tutors to supplement the education they receive at universities. But why should a student in the United Kingdom who is pursuing an undergraduate or postgraduate degree opt for a remote personal tutor?

1. Flexibility

The flexibility offered by remote personal tutoring is one of the primary selling points that encourages many students to go with this option. Students have the ability to personalize their educational experiences, in contrast to the more traditional model of instruction that takes place in a classroom setting.

2. Personalized Learning

One-on-one instruction gives students the opportunity to receive individualized instruction that is tailored to their specific needs and methods of learning. This type of instruction allows for the creation of a personalized learning path that takes into account each student's unique capabilities and gaps in knowledge.

3. Increase Confidence

Students who work with remote personal tutors report higher levels of confidence after receiving encouragement and having difficult concepts broken down into more manageable pieces.

4. Access to Expert Knowledge

Tutors are typically considered to be experts in their respective fields. Because they have access to the knowledge of specialists, students are able to acquire a more profound understanding of the material they are studying.

5. Save on Travel Time

It is not necessary to commute when receiving tutoring over the internet. Time can be saved by having tutoring sessions conducted in the student's own home rather than traveling between the two locations.

6. Improve Technology Skills

Students will also have the opportunity to develop or improve their digital skills, which will, in essence, prepare them for the transition toward a more digitally focused work environment.

7. Additional Resources

The convenience of having a wide variety of resources readily available when using online tutoring is an additional advantage of this mode of instruction. Online resources, such as books, journals, and educational videos, can be shared by tutors with their students.

8. Enhance Academic Performance

Working with an experienced tutor who can assist students in better comprehending challenging subjects can lead to improved academic performance for the students. In addition to this, the tutor can assist with outlining study strategies and reviewing academic material.

9. Provide Constructive Feedback

It is possible that lecturers will not have sufficient time and resources to provide individual feedback in the traditional model of teaching large classes. This void can be filled by private tutors, who can provide encouraging criticism and insightful feedback.

10. Immediate Help

Help is as close as a text message or video call away when you work with a remote personal tutor. The anxiety that students feel can be eased by receiving prompt responses, particularly when they are stuck on a problem.


If you are a student at an undergraduate or postgraduate level in the United Kingdom, having a remote personal tutor can provide you with a number of benefits. These benefits take into account your individual educational requirements, save you time and resources, and boost your academic performance all at the same time. Online one-on-one tutoring is without a doubt a useful resource that every student ought to think about using.

About the Author

Emmanuel is an MSc graduate of Engineering Project Management at Coventry University. He has over 20 years of experience as a dissertation writing research tutor, project manager, and business development professional. He has a strong background in delivering high-quality research-based content across various industries. His writing style is versatile, allowing him to adapt to different subjects and formats, including academic papers, market research reports, and business proposals. You can enroll for his Research Writing Assistance and Tutoring Services to enhance both your academic performance and career readiness.


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