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Do electric cars need engine oil?

Electric vehicles don't have customary gas powered motors that require motor oil for grease. All things considered, they have electric engines that are fueled by power put away in batteries. These engines don't need grease similarly that gas powered motors do. In any case, electric vehicles actually require a few sorts of upkeep, for example, supplanting brake liquid and power directing liquid, checking tire tension, and supplanting broken down brake cushions.

Electric Cars use oil?

Electric vehicles don't utilize oil to drive the vehicle, they use power put away in batteries. The power can be produced from different sources including coal, gaseous petrol, atomic power, sun based power, and wind power. While the power used to drive electric vehicles might have been created utilizing oil, the actual vehicle doesn't involve oil as a fuel source.

Electric vehicles don't utilize oil to drive the vehicle, they use power put away in batteries. The power can be produced from different sources, including inexhaustible sources, for example, sun based and wind power, as well as non-sustainable sources like coal and petroleum gas. While the power used to drive electric vehicles might have been created utilizing oil, the actual vehicle doesn't involve oil as a fuel source.

It's important that electric vehicles don't have gas powered motors that require oil for grease, as conventional vehicles do, so there is no requirement for oil changes. In any case, electric vehicles actually require ordinary upkeep, for example, supplanting brake liquid, looking at tire tension and supplanting worn brake cushions.

Moreover, the development of electric vehicles batteries, similar to all batteries, requires some oil-determined materials, like plastic and different synthetic compounds, Yet this is a little part of the oil utilization of conventional vehicles.

Electric vehicles don't involve engine oil as they don't have gas powered motors. All things being equal, they have electric engines that are controlled by power put away in batteries. These engines don't need grease similarly that gas powered motors do. In any case, a few parts in an electric vehicle, like pinion wheels in the transmission, may require grease. Be that as it may, this isn't equivalent to engine oil and regularly will utilize various sorts of greases.