Email is one of the most powerful ways to build engagement and win sales. Take every opportunity to capture email addresses. Then use your list to send updates, useful information and offers. Where there's a higher commitment such as a membership subscription, buying decisions take longer. Regular emails keep the process moving.


  • Use a tool like Mailchimp to add simple email signup forms to your website, blog, or Payhip storefront.
  • Create an attractive and distinctive email template to showcase your expertise.
  • Plan and execute email campaigns that add value to your followers. You should be able to automate these in your email marketing tool.
  • If possible split test different subject lines to see what's most likely to get people clicking.


  • Track new email subscribers and identify the most effective ‘triggers'.
  • Use your email marketing tool to track open rates, click throughs and unsubscribes.
  • Analyse the subjects with the best open rates and click throughs so you can send your followers more of what they love.