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Why You Should Have a Cat
Owning a pet is a big responsibility, and it’s essential to understand the benefits before bringing one into your home.1. You Want OneThe simplest reason to get a cat is because you genuinely want one. If you love cats and are ready for the responsib...
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The Fascinating History and Healing Power of Cats.
Origins of Domestic CatsHistorians often highlight that domestic cats originated in Ancient Egypt, revered and depicted in artwork for over 3600 years.The Egyptian goddess Bastet, often shown as a cat or lioness, exemplifies this reverence. A signifi...
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10 Essential Cat Care Tips and Advice
This short guide will provide you with key insights and expert advice to help keep your kitten or cat happy and healthyTop 10 Cat FactsUnderstanding the unique biology and behavior of cats can help you become a better pet owner. Here are ten fascinat...
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Tips to Win Over Your Cat
Winning over your cat might feel like an uphill battle, but it's a rewarding journey filled with purrs and playful moments.Whether you're a new cat owner or looking to strengthen the bond with your feline friend, these tips will help you un...
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The Purr-fect Companions Why Cats Make Amazing Pets
Cats have captivated humanity's affection for thousands of years. Their enigmatic behavior, expressive personalities, and captivating elegance have made them one of the most beloved pets across cultures.Despite their often independent demeanor, ...
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Why Does My Cat Stare at Me?
Cats are enigmatic creatures, often expressing much with little more than a glance.One of their most puzzling behaviors is the intense, often prolonged stare they fix on their owners.This short article explores the various reasons behind this behavio...
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How to Tell If a Cat Is in Pain with these 8 Key Signs
Cats are known for their stoic nature and often do not show clear signs of pain or discomfort. As cat owners, it's crucial to recognize the subtle signs that indicate a cat may be suffering. Understanding these signs can help ensure timely medic...
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15 Cat Breeds That Are Perfect For Extrovert Cat Lovers
When extroverts look for pets, they often seek animals that match their own social and lively personalities.Choosing the right cat breed can make a big difference in their daily interaction and mutual enjoyment. This article explores 15 cat breeds th...
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How to Comfort a Cat in Pain: 10 Tips
Caring for a cat in pain can be a heart-wrenching experience for any pet owner. Recognizing the signs of discomfort and knowing how to respond effectively can significantly ease your furry friend's suffering. This short article delves into the ...
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Why is My Cat Sneezing? Uncover the Causes and Solutions
Cat sneezing can be a common concern for pet owners, often leading to worry about their feline friend's health and well-being. Understanding the reasons behind your cat's sneezing can provide valuable insights into potential health issues a...
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Coloring In: A Therapeutic and Relaxing Wellness Activity for Cat Lovers!
Coloring In: A Therapeutic and Relaxing Wellness Activity for Cat LoversIntroductionIn today's fast-paced world, finding moments of relaxation and therapy has become increasingly important. One activity that has gained significant popularity in ...
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Why Is My Cat Always Hungry?
Is My Cat Really Hungry?When you hear your cat meowing in the kitchen, it may not necessarily mean that it's hungry. A genuinely hungry cat may have a specific type of insistent meow or may linger around its food bowl, pawing at it. A hungry cat...
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Cats Sleeping: Unraveling the Secrets Behind Their Slumber
Just like humans, sleep plays a vital role in a cat's overall well-being. During sleep, cats recharge their energy levels, allowing their bodies to heal and regenerate.Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, cognitiv...
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Why cats love cardboard boxes; and how to make the most of this behavior!
Here is our comprehensive guide to why cats love cardboard boxes, and how to make the most of this behavior.IntroductionCats have a reputation for being curious creatures, with a love of cozy hideaways. So it's no surprise that cardboard boxes a...
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Picture of a cat sneezing
Why Does My Cat Sneeze: Understanding the Causes and Remedies
As cat owners, we love and care for our furry friends. However, it can be alarming and worrisome when our cats start sneezing.Cat sneezing can be caused by various factors and can be a sign of a minor irritation or a more serious underlying health co...
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The Health Benefits of Owning a Cat!
Cats make great companions, but did you know that they can also have a positive impact on our health?Studies have shown that cat ownership can lead to improvements in both our mental and physical well-being. From stress relief to cardiovascular ben...
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A picture of a staring cat
Why does my cat stare at me?
Cats are intricate creatures, and it can be challenging to comprehend their behaviour at times due to this complexity. The act of a cat staring intently at its owner is a common one that many cat owners have probably witnessed. There are many possibl...
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What colors do cats see?
What colors do cats see?Is it possible for cats to see color? What colors do they see? What colors do cats like? Is an apple's brilliant red color visible to them? These are all very intriguing questions. Just as you might lose track of time sta...
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There is one thing, however, that the vast majority of cats seem to uniformly despise, and that is water.
5 Surprising Reasons Why Your Cat Hates Water (And What to Do About It)
There is one thing, however, that the vast majority of cats seem to uniformly despise, and that is water.Cats have a reputation for being meticulous groomers and for generally keeping themselves clean. If you've ever attempted to give your felin...
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Unleashing the Truth: Debunking the Myths about Black Cats!
Black cats have long been associated with witchcraft and superstition, leading to negative stereotypes and even discrimination against them in some parts of the world. However, these furry felines are just as deserving of love and respect as any oth...
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Please enjoy browsing my site & my work. See if there is anything you like! Everything is in high resolution for superb clarity! Unlike the images I post on my Facebook which are of a lower quality.

Also, dont forget to check out my >> FREE STUFF HERE! << 😻

Miss Clearfoot T Shirts


The Nap Master: Cat-Level Procrastination.


Unleash Your Feline Fury: Get the Ultimate Cat Lover's Defense Tee!


This shirt will make your cat proud to call you their human! 


Sometimes It Takes Me All Day

Fill it up, curl up on the couch, and celebrate (or commiserate with) the art of accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Good Morning

Let this wide-eyed, tongue-out furball be the purr-fect companion to your morning brew.

About Me

Hey there!

My name is Caroline and together with my husband Tony & 2 close friends, we run

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& in association with 2 other very good friends & passionate pet & dog lovers (where we have some absolutely wonderful, friendly, debates lol) we help out with:

Facebook page:

This is one of our blogs in homage to these AMAZING animals!

For even more kitty koolness, check out my other one at

Since being a young girl I have adored cats. I love all animals but cats are my favourite. My parents would often help cats that would wander into our garden. Some we recognised as neighbours cats and others we didn't so I guess they were either strays or word had spread! I don't know the particular attraction for our garden but nevertheless, there they were, there were lots of them, and we loved them all, so that is where I think my love comes from and where it all began.

I have owned many cats over the years and have adored each and everyone. They are all unique with so many wonderful personalities. I currently own just the one now, Rosie, she is 15 years of age so starting to get on a bit, just like me lol! She reminds me so much of Missy Clearfoot.

Some may wonder about the name Miss Clearfoot? Its quite simple: this was the name of the very first cat that I ever owned. She has long since departed but I remember and miss her, still to this day!

Checkout my other blog rolls! 👇

Confessions of a Stressed Out Cat Lady & Art lover