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My Mental Health Journey

My mental health journey is something that I have embraced and taken a lot more seriously in the last 5 years. There are 3 main ideas that have formed the path I now walk.

  1. Daily practice of gratitude.
  2. Changing my self talk.
  3. Embracing discomfort. Lemme break em down


1. Daily gratitude.

In the early days of the pandemic I begun a journaling practice.

Part of this practice was to write down things I was grateful for, to remind me of how plentiful my life was. This would help me live positively charged rather than being negatively charged.

Starting my day by being positively charged became a much more enjoyable place to operate from. It also added a sense of lightness and joy to my life that made simply existing a lot easier.


2. Self talk.

“It’s not the accident that distresses the person, it is the judgment he makes about it.” - Epictetus My entire adult life I had been burdened with this incredible ability to be my loudest critic. The critique would be heavy and often, the tone unforgiving.

There are two things I used specifically to combat the self-doubt: The first is that I showed up more often, which lead to trusting myself more.

@AlexHormozi says that you become confident "by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are."

The second is that I sought out a hypnotherapist.

My goal with hypnotherapy was to connect with a deeper level of consciousness to see if I could re-wire the language and approach my self talk used. I successfully made the adjustment to a more forgiving and kind inner voice.

3. Embracing discomfort.

This took the longest to get my head around as it required the most input and consistency. Realising that extremities increase capacity has been a game changer.

I've mainly done this through taking up boxing and being an being more active in the gym.


Through challenging myself physically, I've unlocked an ability to push myself mentally by embracing all discomfort.


...I was a person that if asked to do 10 push ups, would stop at 8 and say "that's close enough."

Now I get to 10 and do 2 more for good measure.

I haven't got it all figured out and I don't believe that I ever will, but these 3 changes to my life have allowed me to live with a lot less pressure and a lot more joy.

I feel like I have a lot more purpose living my life like this.

That's all from me for now! If you have any questions or ideas, please shoot away... and if you enjoyed this read, please consider subscribing to my blog.

With gratitude,