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My 5 color work week system for creatives & visual thinkers

I came up with a system which I call the "5 color workweek system" and it's loosely based on the Design Sprint Method (except that my system is aimed for solopreneurs & small business owners instead of large teams which is the case with the Design Sprint method.)

Here's how it goes:






Here's how it works:

Mondays I map out the entire week's content creation, product designs, sales calls, marketing etc. I also do all the research for my content on Mondays.

Tuesdays I outline my content: write scripts & shotlist for video creation. I also write the first draft of blog post, weekly newsletter etc.

Wednesdays is content creation day. I write, create blog posts and keynote presentations for my courses, shoot video etc. 

Thursdays I edit everything that I created during Wednesday's SHOOT sessions, administrative tasks, finance, KPI:s etc.

Fridays are PLAY days. That's where the real work actually is being created, even though it might not look that way for an outsider. This way I ensure that I get PLAY into my schedule and I can't "escape it".

I block time to investigate new ideas, cross-nische, sketch and come up with new product ideas.

When I look back on the things that mean the most to me in my business, I can always trace it back to those Fridays, where I had time to explore and get into the FLOW state almost by demand. I encourage you to try out the 5 color work week system for yourself and make sure that you schedule your PLAY time every week.