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2023 Witches' Almanac digital planner for Goodnotes

A digital dark mode planner for witches, pagans & Wiccans

Do you want to plan your everyday life in a spiritual and magick way? The 2023 Witches' Almanac digital dark mode planner is designed for you.

I don't care if you identify as a witch, pagan, Wiccan or if you're just getting started with your first tarot deck - this planner is for the "baby witch" as well as for the seasoned witch who wants to have all their magick in one place.

The planner is designed to be used with a tablet & stylus, and it's also designed to be used with a note taking or pdf annotation app like Goodnotes or Notability.

Plan your day & month as well as your moon magick, sabbaths & rituals with this planner.

I've also included a notebook section with 3 different paper templates (squared, ruled & dotted), which you can easily duplicate within an app like Goodnotes.

The 2023 Witches' Almanac is a digital product, which means that you get instant access to the planner once the purchase is completed and you can import to your Goodnotes app and start using it right away.

Plan the year 2023 to be the best year yet with the yearly & quarterly goals.