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The Crossroads of Podcasting: Hosting or Guesting – What’s Your Jam?

Are you thinking about dipping your toes into the podcasting pool but can't decide if you should jump into hosting your own show or just guest star on someone else's? You're in good company with that head-scratcher. To throw a bit of context your way, there are over 3 million active podcasts. With that kind of crowd, whether you’re thinking about guest starring on established shows or hosting your own gig, each route packs its own punch for getting your brand out there.

Spotlight Stealer or Supporting Act

Dropping in as a guest on an already buzzworthy marketing podcast is like being handed the mic at a packed concert. It's an amazing way to get a feel for the podcast scene without the hassle of running the whole show yourself. Edison Research tells us that over 104 million Americans are plugging into podcasts regularly – that's a huge crowd just waiting to hang on your every word. Sliding into the guest seat means you can tap into the host's audience base without the legwork of building up your own following from scratch.

Master of Your Own Podcast Domain

On the flip side, if you’re all about calling the shots and stirring the pot with your unique brand of wisdom, starting your own marketing podcast could be where it's at. It’s your playground: you pick the topics, the vibe, and the guest list, curating a space that’s all you. Sure, it's a road that needs a bit more muscle in terms of time and tech, but the potential payoff? Huge. A great podcast can greatly increase your brand's credibility and rally a tribe of loyal listeners ready to ride or die on your every word.

Why Quality Can’t Take a Backseat

And if you're thinking big (as you should!), pulling together a professional podcast setup is non-negotiable. We're all swimming in a podcast sea, and quality is what makes you the shark. First impressions are gold, and believe it or not, listeners can hear the difference between 'just winging it' and 'pro-level delivery.' A polished setup not only makes your content shine brighter but also tells your audience you mean business, lifting your podcast from a hobby to a bona fide brand asset.

The Grind and Glory

Whether you're stepping into the guest spotlight or spearheading your own show, buckle up for a mix of challenges and wins. For guests, it’s all about connecting with podcasts that feel like home for your message. And for the brave souls launching their channels, prep for a deep dive into the world of editing, mixing, and endless promo. But here's the thing—despite the sweat and occasional tears, the thrill of expanding your network and sharing content  that matters makes every stumble worth it.

At the end of the day, whether you opt to be a podcast guest or kickstart your own series, both routes are solid gold for boosting your brand and making meaningful connections. Guest spots are perfect for testing the waters and building your rep with less upfront commitment. And if you’re ready to go all in, launching your podcast can be the ultimate play for leaving your mark on the industry.