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Paperbacks are Making a Comeback (Promise)

Firstly, thank you all for your support!

More and more of you are reading A Dove's Cry - can't wait to read your reviews about Jerome and Tasha's journey.

I've recently have been working on updating this story with a 2nd edition. That is now done and I'll be updating all platforms this week.

And at this time, I have no more paperback books to mail out :-(

Never fear - I'll be in stock as soon as possible. Hopefully with shipping, there will be more paperback copies for you all to order by Valentine's Day :-)

In the meantime, you can enjoy reading this novel via e-book on all major retailers. I've even shared a limited audiobook teaser over on YouTube - would love to know what you all think of those, as I am considering starting the audiobook process for this novel in the next year.

If you want more of a say in what happens next with A Dove's Cry, please consider following me over on Ko-fi and becoming my 'Best Tea' today.

Happy reading!

-K. McCoy